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15 things every KMITian can relate to!

15 things every KMITian can relate to!
Keshav Memorial Institute of technology what we fondly call KMIT, in all its glory is loved by all of us. No matter how unsure you are of it in the beginning, it will show you reasons why you were wrong. Here are a few things about our KMIT that I feel all of us can relate to.

1. Desi Names

desi names

Be it Bhavishya Dwar, Granthalaya, Trishul or Aavishkara, KMIT does it in style yet has the Sanskrit touch to it.

2.  Fest?


Sorry folks we don’t do these so called “FESTS”. We at KMIT have the knack of having fun unlike any other college in town. PATANG UTSAV, our kite fest and Saanj-e-KMIT, our annual day and of course, Dandiya Night are the much awaited events on campus.

3.  Neil Gogte, the man himself!


Unmistakably the soul of KMIT is Neil Sir. Remember the first time you listened to his lecture? His wit, his eloquent speech, his technical expertise makes you wonder if you have seen such a brilliant teacher, ever! If you have attended his classes regularly, you will agree with me, that polymath is an understatement for Neil Sir.

4.  The  Facebook Pages


KMIT Tips N’ Facts, KMIT Connect, KMIT Frustations, KMIT Confessions and of course the official Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology page - thanks to the admins, we have these amazing FB pages that we can look up to for any latest information. Also for some campus humor.

5.  The overloaded Canteen, in lunch time


You do the math and it’s 2400 students on campus to be precise. If you have seen the canteen during the lunch hours, you know what I mean. For those of you in 4th and 3rd years, remember our old canteen, mates? You will agree that the new version of our canteen is a God sent saviour.

6.  FS (Freaking Special)


“FS is the key word for your placement” is the Universal Truth at KMIT, but you know the brightest side of it? You get to sit in AC even during power cuts! That’s not all, charging your phone and surfing the internet are other perks of being an FS Student.

7.  Engineering Workshop (Mechanical Lab)

Remember that lab in first year, where once in a fortnight you had so much fun? I can barely recollect the names of the “experiments”  but it was so much fun with wood and metal. For those of you in first year, be ready to hurt yourself with the tools.(Only joking!)

8.   Speed Breakers

We get a bumpy ride from the gate to the parking, every single time. But the truth is our management is extra cautious when it comes to our safety.

9.  SMSes college sends us

smsBy mistake you go on a holiday for a week and your parent’s inbox is filled with those texts from college. They don’t leave you a single opportunity to bunk, if at all you want to without letting your parents know.  What can I say about the messages in which they send you, your attendance!

If you’re a 4th year, like me you can end up thinking that there’s no FS class today, simply because it’s 1pm and you haven’t received the SMS from college that says “ FS class will be held today at 2pm in Auditorium”.  On a serious note, the management does a fab job by sending these texts when you are clueless about the day’s schedule.

10.  The YUM food in and around KMIT

giphy (3)

Be it Dadu’s Pav Bhaji, the most famous “Manchuria” in the canteen or the canteen wala bhaiya’s  Paani Puri  your tummy is always happy when you are a KMITian!

11.The Friendly Faculty


You can hate them for the assignments and internals, but all the Departments have very friendly and understanding lecturers. Don’t agree with me? At the end of the sem you will.

12. The ordering of Finishing School Labs


We all know that there are 7 FS labs, but can you locate each and every one of it in a blink of the eye? Well let’s see, I cannot!

The first time you are supposed to attend a lab, you ask everyone where exactly the lab is, don’t you?

13. Gate Pass


Don’t we nail it completely by giving vague reasons to bunk college and which actually satisfies the receptionist to give the most precious, Gate Pass!



You know it’s that time of the year when the record papers become your most treasured possession, when you make sure you own a pen or two, LAB EXAMS! That one week before the lab internals no one’s having a gala time around the campus, everyone’s busy writing records or preparing for VIVA.

15. The First Year Block

1st yr

The place where you made friends forever, where you learnt some important life lessons, where you did so many things for the first time in Engineering. It gives you just too many memories when you look back.

First years, makes moments cherishable.


Honorary Mention to the Sardar Patel Statue!


One of the most influential leaders of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel delivered a speech in our very own Auditorium which was later named Sardar Patel Auditorium, don’t you take pride to stand in that very place where the eminent personality once stood?

Picture credits to Sachin Varma Polakonda






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22 October 2014


Nithya Gubbala

Nithya Gubbala


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