A 2017 To Look Forward To
2016, adieu!
The Olympic year of 2016 has done more than its share of having you jump off of your couch. Be it Brexit, Trump, P.V.Sindhu’s silver, or your exam results. 2017 has a tough act to follow. But don’t despair, for 2017 promises a good many things to keep you on the couch (apart from padhai, of course.)
Here are a few things to look forward to, that will spawn in the year of 2017.
T.V. Shows:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240"]
George Martin, baap of GoT[/caption]
The ‘Cumber-Collective’ could not be given a better new year present than the first episode of Sherlock's fourth season, followed by the usual weekly agony of waiting for the following episodes.
With Cersei going berserk on the Sept and Arya turning into a ninja with her katana 'Needle' in the sixth season, ardent fans can look forward to saying goodbye to the Monday Blues yet again, come April 21, when HBO will have begun to air the seventh season of Game of Thrones.
House Of Cards' fifth season shall begin to air tentatively around Feb-end and March-beginning. One can only wonder if a Trump-esque figure will be incorporated and what Frank and Claire will set out to do next.
Suits, after much confusion on its release date, has been announced to air its first episode in late January and Mr.Robot with its whooping 8.8 IMDB rating has renewed its 3rd season’s release tentatively during the summer of 2017.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="321"]
You Choose.[/caption]
2017 is a year for superheroic-ness.
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The talent that is John Mayer.[/caption]
Fans of ambient music will be thrilled to know that Brian Eno that 1st January will mark a new year gift to all in the form of an album titled “Reflection.”
Liverpool F.C fans, I’ll have you know of celtic punk Dropkick Murphys’ YNWA anthem cover, if you don’t know of it already. Sounds cool? Well, they’re dropping an album on the 6th of this month. Happy soccer-ing.
Listen up, old school rock fans! With the recent albums coming up every four years, Depeche Mode has announced its 14th studio album titled “Spirits” for release in the spring of 2017.
If you’re a fan of bluesy pop, and are an ardent fan of John Mayer - as am I - then 2017 is a lucky year, bringing a studio album titled “The Search for Everything”. Can’t wait ? I’ve bitten my nails and fingers whole in anticipation.
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Fun fact : That hammer is called a Mjölnir, wielded by the God Thor .[/caption]
If you’re a fan of The Great Gatsby, the unreleased works of Scott. F. Firzgerald will be unveiled in the bindings of the book “I’d die for you.”, this April.
Fans of Neil Gaiman’s fantasy-tic works (Stardust, Neverwhere. . .) and foragers of mythology can throng at book stores for (or pre-order, if you have the dent de sagesse) his “Norse Mythology.”
While there’s no word of the title or global release, Haruki Murakami’s new novel will enter stores of Japan this February, which means we’ll most possibly have the Norwegian Woods’ architect’s new work beside of our coffee mugs a little after.
Gaming :
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="682"]
I did not break it Mom! It's how it's supposed to be![/caption]
While Ubisoft does not promise a Far Cry 5 or another Assassin’s Creed, it’s resurrected Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon (yes, the game you played along-with IGI and Delta Force) Wildlands after a five year hold.
Xbox360 fiddlers, the much awaited Halo Wars 2 is on shore this February. Time to decimating the Covenant, yet again.
With hack & slash/action Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance being the first of the series to be available on Xbox360, and being an immediate hit, was renewed with a sequel. Well, that sequel titled 'Metal Gear Survive' shall be available to hack & slash away at from February onwards.
Nintendo, meanwhile is set to realease its relatively low-spec console Switch while providing innovative functionalty, which is pretty well thought of, given that hardware overkills are a budget waste and a deterrant for many gaming productions to make games on.
As if that wasn’t enough going on for the makers of GameBoy, they’re releasing The Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild.
An interesting note : If you’re wondering where Zelda got her name, it’s from Scott Fitzgerald’s wife Zelda Sayre. Cool eh?
Salut, 2017!
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Here's some flower fireworks for a good 2017.[/caption]
The Olympic year of 2016 has done more than its share of having you jump off of your couch. Be it Brexit, Trump, P.V.Sindhu’s silver, or your exam results. 2017 has a tough act to follow. But don’t despair, for 2017 promises a good many things to keep you on the couch (apart from padhai, of course.)
Here are a few things to look forward to, that will spawn in the year of 2017.
T.V. Shows:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240"]
The ‘Cumber-Collective’ could not be given a better new year present than the first episode of Sherlock's fourth season, followed by the usual weekly agony of waiting for the following episodes.
With Cersei going berserk on the Sept and Arya turning into a ninja with her katana 'Needle' in the sixth season, ardent fans can look forward to saying goodbye to the Monday Blues yet again, come April 21, when HBO will have begun to air the seventh season of Game of Thrones.
House Of Cards' fifth season shall begin to air tentatively around Feb-end and March-beginning. One can only wonder if a Trump-esque figure will be incorporated and what Frank and Claire will set out to do next.
Suits, after much confusion on its release date, has been announced to air its first episode in late January and Mr.Robot with its whooping 8.8 IMDB rating has renewed its 3rd season’s release tentatively during the summer of 2017.
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2017 is a year for superheroic-ness.
Logan, releases on the 3rd of March, with Hugh Jackman starring as Wolverine for the last time, citing age and cancer as cause for retirement.
Wonder Woman follows not long after, premiering on the 2nd of June, with Gal Gadot wearing the star studded crown.
Justice League comes in on the 17th of November.
For the children in our hearts seeking cuteness, ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ (with Emma Watson!) and ‘Despicable Me’ air on the 17th March and 30th June.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="310"]
Fans of ambient music will be thrilled to know that Brian Eno that 1st January will mark a new year gift to all in the form of an album titled “Reflection.”
Liverpool F.C fans, I’ll have you know of celtic punk Dropkick Murphys’ YNWA anthem cover, if you don’t know of it already. Sounds cool? Well, they’re dropping an album on the 6th of this month. Happy soccer-ing.
Listen up, old school rock fans! With the recent albums coming up every four years, Depeche Mode has announced its 14th studio album titled “Spirits” for release in the spring of 2017.
If you’re a fan of bluesy pop, and are an ardent fan of John Mayer - as am I - then 2017 is a lucky year, bringing a studio album titled “The Search for Everything”. Can’t wait ? I’ve bitten my nails and fingers whole in anticipation.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="350"]

If you’re a fan of The Great Gatsby, the unreleased works of Scott. F. Firzgerald will be unveiled in the bindings of the book “I’d die for you.”, this April.
Fans of Neil Gaiman’s fantasy-tic works (Stardust, Neverwhere. . .) and foragers of mythology can throng at book stores for (or pre-order, if you have the dent de sagesse) his “Norse Mythology.”
While there’s no word of the title or global release, Haruki Murakami’s new novel will enter stores of Japan this February, which means we’ll most possibly have the Norwegian Woods’ architect’s new work beside of our coffee mugs a little after.
Gaming :
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="682"]

While Ubisoft does not promise a Far Cry 5 or another Assassin’s Creed, it’s resurrected Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon (yes, the game you played along-with IGI and Delta Force) Wildlands after a five year hold.
Xbox360 fiddlers, the much awaited Halo Wars 2 is on shore this February. Time to decimating the Covenant, yet again.
With hack & slash/action Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance being the first of the series to be available on Xbox360, and being an immediate hit, was renewed with a sequel. Well, that sequel titled 'Metal Gear Survive' shall be available to hack & slash away at from February onwards.
Nintendo, meanwhile is set to realease its relatively low-spec console Switch while providing innovative functionalty, which is pretty well thought of, given that hardware overkills are a budget waste and a deterrant for many gaming productions to make games on.
As if that wasn’t enough going on for the makers of GameBoy, they’re releasing The Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild.
An interesting note : If you’re wondering where Zelda got her name, it’s from Scott Fitzgerald’s wife Zelda Sayre. Cool eh?
Salut, 2017!
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Published on:
1 January 2017