A War Within

Our fates intertwined through wedlock,
Married life with a soldier, no cakewalk.
Adorning the hats of both a mother and a father,
Remember, we have now and always got each other.
Tales of your valour, the kids’ beloved story,
Undeterred, you fight for the nation’s glory!
Salutes and honours grace your uniform,
I too have fought a war, come hail or storm.
You fight out there so that no one breaks in,
My agony, the uncertainty, sure is a war within.
Had sleepless nights hoping to see you safe and sound,
You are bound to the country and to you I am bound.
That one phone call of yours from miles away,
Lightens up the household, makes our day.
The news of your homecoming, a celebration in itself,
The mere idea of you then leaving, can’t contain myself.
I have to put up a strong front for you and the family,
For both of us to fight our respective wars, valiantly.
Though life as a soldier’s spouse is rather demanding,
I chose this, knew it to be extremely challenging.
Yet in all of this, what fears me the most,
Is that, one day I might receive that one dreadful post.
Everything changes within the blink of an eye,
Pray for no wars, nor a spine-chilling war cry!
Proud as I am, to have shared this life with you,
You are the country's pride and I sure am too.
No qualms about life here remaining forever uncertain,
Here I wait for my children to be soldiers too, begins again- a war within…
Married life with a soldier, no cakewalk.
Adorning the hats of both a mother and a father,
Remember, we have now and always got each other.
Tales of your valour, the kids’ beloved story,
Undeterred, you fight for the nation’s glory!
Salutes and honours grace your uniform,
I too have fought a war, come hail or storm.
You fight out there so that no one breaks in,
My agony, the uncertainty, sure is a war within.
Had sleepless nights hoping to see you safe and sound,
You are bound to the country and to you I am bound.
That one phone call of yours from miles away,
Lightens up the household, makes our day.
The news of your homecoming, a celebration in itself,
The mere idea of you then leaving, can’t contain myself.
I have to put up a strong front for you and the family,
For both of us to fight our respective wars, valiantly.
Though life as a soldier’s spouse is rather demanding,
I chose this, knew it to be extremely challenging.
Yet in all of this, what fears me the most,
Is that, one day I might receive that one dreadful post.
Everything changes within the blink of an eye,
Pray for no wars, nor a spine-chilling war cry!
Proud as I am, to have shared this life with you,
You are the country's pride and I sure am too.
No qualms about life here remaining forever uncertain,
Here I wait for my children to be soldiers too, begins again- a war within…
Published on:
15 November 2021