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All we wish for is a chance

All we wish for is a chance
Everyone has a different definition of life. But technically, life is usually about how we react to a series of incidents that transpire to us. These, for anyone, are a blend of many emotions like grief, despair, bliss, etc. Reacting delightedly to happy events is something everyone does, what matters is how we react to the ones on the negative side of this spectrum.

Every day we encounter many such events which leave us with disturbing thoughts. We usually try very hard to forget them but is not an easy job to do. Leaving us with anything but happiness and pushing us into the deep valley of depression, these make us wish for an unexisting alternate reality.

Though we know it's impossible to alter this depressing reality, somewhere deep within all we wish for is a chance. To try and convert the negative into positive, sorrow into happiness and despair into a celebration. Be it a sixth-grader who failed his science exam or an eighteen-year-old who lost his friend in an accident, a chance to change the harsh reality is what we wish for.

What if this was possible and life gave us a second chance? What if we could wake up to a new day but face the same incidents but this time knowing what has to be done?

Even a mere thought of anything as such coming true fills us with joy. We would only think of trying to alter every possible mistake we could. The sixth-grader might try to rectify his mistake of identifying amoeba as a hydra. The eighteen-year-old might try to force his friend to wear a helmet and drive carefully.

The reality might be inevitable but the kid within us never stops wishing for such a fictional thing to come true. Though we wish to see only the happier side of life, the harsh reality is what makes us strong. Turning us into better humans and teaching how to respect others feelings. Most of us usually try accepting the truth. But together, all we wish for is a second chance.

Inspired from The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

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Published on:

5 August 2019


Pingali Suraj

Pingali Suraj


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