
After months of following a stringent schedule involving tedious assignments, brain racking projects and enervating examinations, I think one should have the chance to free oneself from the shackles of this mental chaos. I galloped at the sight of this chance which came in the form of a short vacation to Bali.
Bali, a tropical island in the ambit of Indonesia is every globetrotters dream destination. Nothing like relaxing on the warm sandy beaches of Bali staring at the horizon which draws a beautiful imagery of the unison of the blue sky and placid waters of Indian ocean. Truly unique as it is known to be, the ocean water is every artists dream palette- ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, sapphire, arctic, cobalt and so on. Not only that, the beautiful tropical forest surrounding the town of Ubud is another part of the artists palette that retains variegated shades of green. Ubud is known to have one of the most iconic landscapes with step plantations sprawled over millions and millions of acres. Very much tropical in its beauty and culture, towns and cities like Ubud, Denpasar and Kuta hold various markets that exhibit the artifacts of the Balinese culture. Balinese dance is another tourist attraction that marks the origins of this dance to ancient Balinese culture.
I plan to visit each of these towns, cycle through the sprawling lush green plantations, relax in the tropical beauty of beaches and the ocean water and pay a visit to some of the most breath taking temples of Bali. In addition, enjoy some Balinese cuisine in the ambiance of some beautiful Balinese music and dance.
Once I come back from the vacation, I will update you with how much of a fantasy I actually lived in reality. Is Bali really how I imagine it to be? Stay tuned to know more.
If there is anything in particular about Bali which you would want to share, do leave it in the comments below.
Published on:
28 September 2015