Broken Promise

2nd February 2000
Dear Diary,
Ugh! Waking up early every single day to attend school is so annoying. I wish we didn’t have school and exams so that I can enjoy myself at home all day long. But that can’t happen. I know, I know, I am just 12 and already complaining about life, but, waking up early just isn’t me. I wish dad was here, I miss him so much. He always laughs when I complain about something saying that I have a long way ahead of me. Speaking of dad, I heard mom saying that he got posted to a new army base in Kashmir. I am so proud of him. He serves our nation day and night without bothering about his well being. This is what I love the most about him.
6th February 2000
Dear Diary,
I am sad. When my classmates got to know that I maintain a diary they started laughing at me and mocking me. Just because I share my feelings with you it doesn’t mean that I am still a kid.
I am a big girl who can fend for herself. They just don’t understand how important you are to me. My dad gifted you to me when I last saw him, as a parting gift. I promised him that I would share my feelings with you whenever I missed him. And promises are not meant to be broken, that is what he taught me. All my friends have their dads at home and can talk to them whenever they want, but what about me? I just have you and you are the most precious thing dad has ever given me. So I am going to ignore them just like mom says.
20th February 2000
Dear Diary,
Yay, I can’t stop smiling. Mom and I are elated. We received a letter from my dad saying that he is going to visit us for my birthday. I can’t believe that dad stayed true to his promise. I never should have doubted him in the first place. This time he is staying with us for 15 days. It is not considered a long visit, but, not having seen him for 6 months I would choose this short visit any day. He is planning to come a week before my birthday. I am going to make a list of all the places to visit and all the things we can do together beforehand so that I can give it to him as soon as he arrives. He hardly says no to me so I will use this to my advantage.
Birthday:20 days to go
Dad’s arrival:13 days to go
3rd March 2000
Dear Diary,
List of all places to visit: check
List of all delicious food to eat: check
List of all stories to tell: check
List of complaints about mom: check
Birthday:9 days to go
Dad’s arrival:2 days to go
5th March 2000
Dear Diary,
Oh my god! He is here. I won’t be needing you for a while.
Birthday:7 days to go
Dad’s arrivall:0 days to go
10th March 2000
Dear Diary,
He left. No! How can he do this to me? He promised me, promised to celebrate my birthday with me, promised to surprise me with a gift. He can’t leave just like that. He got a distress call early in the morning after which he packed his belongings and left in a hurry. I understand the country needs him now, his fellow soldiers need him now, but I need him too. He taught me that promises are not meant to be broken so how can he break one himself. I will never forgive him for this.
Birthday:2 days to go
Dad’s arrival: Unknown
12th March 2000
Dear Diary,
I hate this day. I hate this month. I hate everything. He can’t die. I refuse to believe it. He just can’t die. He would never leave me like this. He would never leave mom like this. No No No No No.
Why? Why did this happen to me? I woke up early in the morning hoping to see him or to receive his call. But I got none of that. What I did receive was a surprise. A surprise that was not wanted. All his belongings were delivered along with a neatly wrapped gift. A gift he was supposed to give me, not someone else. I will not accept it. I will not open it until he gives it to me. Dad, where are you? Please come back to me. I promise I will forgive you this time. I promise I will not complain about anything. I promise.
Birthday:0 days to go
Dad’s arrival: Forever unknown
30th March 2000
Dear Diary,
1st May 2001
Dear Diary,
6th December 2002
Dear Diary,
12th March 2003
Dear Diary,
It was his diary. That was his gift. He didn’t break his promise. Though he was physically not with me that day, his feelings and thoughts were with me. You didn’t break your promise dad. I forgive you and I love you.
Inspired by the movie: Uri
Published on:
12 September 2020