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Convertible Heels

Convertible Heels
Broken heel?  Want more to choose from for what you wear? No problem! Here come the world’s first convertible heels which can swap styles and heights just in a push of a button.

TANYA HEATH has solved the problem for who love heels but can not wear them for long periods of time. She is a mastermind in fashion designing and invented these heels without changing the form or composition of the actual shoe.

The 44-year-old has lived and worked in Paris for the last 20 years, and worked in strategy, consulting, technology and private equity. A mum of three, Heath had no  prior professional training and is completely  self-taught. She is a heel lover but can’t manage the pain of wearing them for too long. Once, she nearly had a car accident when her heel locked itself under the brake! After that incident, she began this journey. She fantasized non-stop about a shoe where you could just take the heels off, and that would go from a comfortable low-heel to a high-heel and still look good!
It’s very hard to wear heels for so long. You may face many problems. Even Tanya Heath had a situation which lead to this great invention. Maybe you might have been in a similar situation, like she faced. That's why it’s a great revolution to wear heels without any pain and with these convertible heels we can now have a great feel in all parties, casual meetings and marriages where we would otherwise have a tough time managing those heels.

Some styles:

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How it works:

So that's how you can convert a heel into happy casual wear without wasting much time! Just press the button and take off the heel and have a great day with a flat shoe.

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Where can you buy these? --->   (The range depends on the heel you choose)

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Published on:

4 November 2015


Abhijith Gupta

Abhijith Gupta


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