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Drones-Engineering Marvels

Drones-Engineering Marvels

Drones , Quad-copters  or   Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are the machines of new era. They are the most advanced equipment in Robotics, Aeronautics and Electronics. Basically drones are multi-rotor copter with four arms, each of which have a motor and a propeller at their ends. Quad-copters are similar to helicopters in some ways, but the lift comes from four propellers, rather than just one. In a drone two propellers spin in clockwise and the other two spin counter clockwise and this enables the machine to hover in stable formation. Drones are the leading tech which is changing the world and making things easier.

A drone works in the following way where the different orientation of spins work in a drone which helps in the lift of a drone.The image shows the different direction in which the propellers spin.


How many types of drones are there ?

Basically  drones are of many types :

  • Consumer

  • Prosumer

  • Professional

Consumer :

The consumer type encompass the “tech toy” category, as well as what we might regard as “starter” hobby aircraft. They are compact and small sized compared to other types. While many have cameras, these cameras are primarily for showing off to friends. They lack stabilization and are not suitable for most dedicated photo or video use. But they have a fun features and  gimmicks such as one-button flips etc.







We have the option to modify the body by using 3D printers which would add more functionality when it’s in the air and here are few 3D printed drones.






Prosumer :

These are specifically designed for video and photography. The most common implementation is to combine a Go-pro hero or similar action camera with a 2 or 3 axis for stability. I would put these in the “prosumer” category, as some user may be enthusiasts looking for more than what the entry level offers, while others may be shooters who are primarily into capturing great images.

And here is a prosumer drone

Professional :

Professional drones will include most hexa-rotor and virtual all octo-rotors and up. These are designed specifically to carry payloads, such as cameras. These type of drones are mostly used by professional photographers and a few film makers who wants a high quality video or photos and these drones are very big as much as a half human and weigh lot more than other types and even are costly but in this type of drones we have an option  where we can change the camera of our choice which is a big advantage to a professional photographer.

And here is a professional drone



Uses of drones:

Drones are been used by Amazon. Late in 2013, Amazon announced a plan to use drones for delivery in not-too-distant future, and now it’s done by a service called “Amazon Prime Air”. Amazon Prime Air is a future service that will deliver packages up to five pounds in 30 minutes or less using small drones. Flying under 400 feet and weighing less than 55 pounds. Prime Air vehicles will take advantage of sophisticated “sense and avoid anything which comes in it’s way to delivery” technology, as well as high degree of automation, to safely operate beyond the line of sight to distance of 10 miles or more.

Drones used by Amazon:


Drones are even used by the military. They use drones in combat.They are either controlled by pilots or autonomously following a pre-programmed mission. While there are dozens of different types of drones, they basically fall into two categories.  Those which are used for reconnaissance and surveillance purpose and those that are armed with missiles and bombs .

The surveillance drones are small and compact, and have different types of cameras like infra-red, night vision and few other which will be very useful for soldiers to make a move.


The type which have missiles and bombs can be operated by the navy from base to attack the opponents. By this type of drones there will be reduced risk to human life.


Drones are even used by professional photographers. Drones can help to take that perfect shot from the hard to reach angle. A professional drone can be modified, it has an option to change the features and add-ons. The main changes what could be changed in a professional drone is the most important one the camera and we could even change the propellers by which a drone can set its flight and few other things like the battery and the body of the drone. Mostly a professional drone have hexa-rotors and octo-rotors and more. These are designed specifically to carry heavy payloads, such as cameras. A pro drone can carry up to 25 lb  excluding its weight. Which is sufficient for a camera used by a photographer. These drones should be robust so they can carry out their work easily.Here are few pictures which are taken by a pro drones:









It’s really fascinating to see these pictures and to know that these are been taken by pro drones and it’s very easy for a professional photographer to take these type of expert aerial shots.

One of the best part of drones is the availability. Drones are commercially available to us for taking photos and the trend is becoming viral. Many manufacturers are coming forward and it is becoming a million dollar market . The main purpose of these drones is to take selfies. There is a lot of difference between a selfie taken by us that by a drone. These drones are here to take a perfect shot where you are alone and want a full picture around you or a selfie with your whole gang.


Stay tuned to learn about the quad-copter developed in the KMIT R&D in the next edition.

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Published on:

31 January 2016


Abhijith Gupta

Abhijith Gupta


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