Editorial: the Golden Jubilee Edition

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
― Shel Silverstein
You only find sunshine when you rise above the storm. Since the last edition, mankind has seen it all the second wave in the country, variants of this deadly virus named after Greek alphabets. Black, yellow and white fungi that left our lives colorless; yet, we as humans continue to help each other while the country seems to have come to a halt. This pandemic brought the best out of humankind as thousands volunteered and set up organizations and vaccination camps to help each other.
This edition is indeed a special one as it marks our 50th, and we rise from the ashes into a world of possibilities, with the hope of a better tomorrow that is free from disease and human suffering, hoping to see our friends and spend some quality time with them while we can. Sitting in front of the TV on a weekend with your family, munching on some popcorn while watching some major sports event and supporting your favorite team. It’s only hope that keeps us going.
In these past months, we at kMITRA bid adieu to the batch of 2021 and welcomed 14 new people to our team. This month we have a diverse line-up of articles for you after a really long wait, hoping you’d love it.
Who doesn’t love mysteries with a dash of family drama? Spoiler alert! We have The Menace, a short story by Meghna. If you’re done solving the mystery and want answers to the real questions of life, head onto Found purpose? Means will follow, a review of Ikigai by Rutam. Art created centuries ago still lives on today in the Immortal Sculptors by Saketh, an article on the beauty and intricacy of temple carvings.
Nothing angers us more than bland pasta and bad movies. To help you steer clear of the latter, here is Vaishnavi’s A Love Letter To Cinema, an ode to good films and the roller coaster ride they take you on. K-pop has flourished so much that it has become synonymous with its country’s name itself. Know How K-Pop put South Korea on the map, courtesy, Ananya. Movies and music are powerful forms of expression but spend too much time on them, and poof! It's dinner time. Find out how to be productive from Suhaas’ perspective, Airplane Mode.
Times are bleak, and most of us have spent hours dreaming about a better place. Shreya’s Price Tag on Paradise gives us insight into just how much it might cost to escape today’s world in exchange for a perfect one. Rosy Retrospection by Saranya tells you about the ecstasy of thinking of the past, and the pain it can cause.
Bitcoin has been the word for a while now, but the last few months have seen a meteoric rise in newer forms of financial investment. Here is Taahir’s article that we hope helps in Making Sense of Cryptocurrency. However, one must always exercise caution while exploring the unfamiliar. Get a reality check on fake news from Manasa’s Indian who unofficially made it to space and from Shuja on Privacy in today's connected world.
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Curiosity has undoubtedly birthed some of our greatest discoveries, as depicted in Krishna Chaitanya’s article A Scientist's Pursuit, but it has also done irreparable damage. Read more about it in Pandora's Box by Kshetra.
The sight of the world today has left a lot of us seeking the light at the end of the tunnel. Nearly two decades back, a boy who stood at only 5'6" grew up to change the world of basketball and bring hope to thousands every day. To read more about him, head onto The kid who transformed basketball by Prajwal. Despite all odds, the Euros 2020 was recently held and was a rip-roaring success. If you missed out on it, we’ve got you covered with Venkat’s article. Allow us to take you on a gut-wrenching journey through time, meandering in the past, present, and future, with Azhhar’s short story, Tomorrow’s yesterday. Abhay’s Hope: A tale of two curtains takes you on the sublime journey of a curtain that will leave you with a lot to think about.
Finally, we have a guest contribution by Sachin Jain on education being recreated on screens, and the dilemma innumerable students are facing after their Finished under(graduate) studies.
With this, we come to the end of this edition. We hope that when you stop by next, we find you in the best of health and spirit. For we're not living in fear, we're living in faith.
Until next time, stay safe and happy reading!
Published on:
31 July 2021