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Editor's Note

Editor's Note
It doesn't even feel like September or any other month for that matter. We're just floating through space,somewhere pretty far away from the Gargantua, or is it just me?

Anyway, another month gone by. Last month was quite eventful, with placements going around and with the new addition to the KMIT family.

At the outset, a hearty congratulations to all those who have been placed so far. Achievement unlocked! You've MADE KMIT proud with record-breaking placement statistics and that too in just the beginning of the placement season. kMITRA team wishes Good Luck to all those students who are yet to be placed.

We extend a warm welcome to the batch of 2015-2019. We assure you that you will feel quite at home here. We urge you to participate in all the events that KMIT conducts like the Trishul programme, BEC (Business English Certificate) etc. Oh don't worry! We have some entertaining ones as well like Dandiya Night, KMIT evening, Patang Utsav (you DO NOT want to miss them). Your very entry sparks a sense of euphoria amongst us. Make the best use of college facilities and enrich yourselves by learning from your professors and their experience. May this new chapter of your life be filled with happiness, aspirations, memories and fun.

With the trend of mouthing words going viral along with the app, we have conducted a Dubsmash competition and we had an immense response from the students. We appreciate your active participation. Wow! KMIT does have talented actors. The winners were decided on the basis of the number of likes received on the videos. The following are the winners Manoj Reddy from CSE-B, 3rd Year and Safdar Ali Mirza and Sri Vatsav from CSE-B, 3rd Year, Congratulations.

This month, the kMITRA team will approach the juniors to brief them about the magazine and the various roles they can take up. With digital media evolving every day, we here at kMITRA want to capture and encourage the very art of writing as a means of expression.  We hope to have more participation and contributions from the juniors. We hope to build a platform which taps the potential within every student who wants to improve his/her talents.  Be the part of a journey which will help you become a better individual!

Neeharika Palepu,


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7 September 2015


Neeharika Palepu

Neeharika Palepu


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