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Editor's Note

Editor's Note
This edition we are going all 'Festive', as the festive season has begun with Dusshera, Bathukamma, Diwali and Christmas lined up. Everyone is already busy with preparations and celebrations. I’m sure you might be making decisions about what to buy, what to cook and a lot of other stuff. kMITRA is here to help you out! Check out the latest festive trends and pick the best ethnic wear for all occasions. Also, learn about evolution of fashion .The best part of festivals is that you can please your sweet tooth, here’s a great guide to choose sweets for everyday of Navratri. Festivals capture memorable moments and bring the society closer but, we have to rethink about the modern ways of celebrating festivals. Give it a thought by reading Celebrating festivals- What has changed? and Changing values. All the bookworms out there, don’t miss the book review. If you love watching TV series here’s a great series. We won't disappoint the movie lovers as well, here is the much awaited M.S. Dhoni Review and the Pink review. For the tech lovers here is a full review of iPhone 7.

September month has been quite eventful. Students from all the years participated enthusiastically in 'The Cover Contest'. We received great responses and short-listing a few was very challenging for the team. Thank you to all the contestants for making it a hit and Congratulations to all the four winners.

The winners of Cover Contest

Praneetha ECE 2nd Year

Pradyumna Reddy Maddi CSE-D 1st Year

Hemanth Paul Bose CSE-F 2nd Year

Prerna reddy

Apart from Cover Contest, the LIT UP fest also engaged a lot of activity in the college. The students participated in various events like Quiz, Debate, Image Interpretation, Product Launch and many more. Congratulations to all the winners! Here's the essay which won the Image Interpretation competition. We hope you enjoyed the fest and promise to come up with many such engrossing events in future. We would also like to personally thank the faculty members and the QuizMaster for judging the events, the management for supporting us in every way.

With the much awaited 'Dandiya Night' coming up on 4th Oct' 16, there is already an air of  merry in the college. The fun break we need is finally here! So, don't miss out and get ready to dance with the beats!

A lot of interest has been shown in the magazine by the juniors so, we are soon going to expand our team and get bigger. If you are interested to be a part of kMITRA join us here.

Akanksha Bodhankar,



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Published on:

3 October 2016


Akanksha Bodhankar

Akanksha Bodhankar


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