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Editor's note

Editor's note
Dear readers,

With this edition, we bring you a diversified agglomeration of articles by our writers which will make you  ponder, sigh, learned, excited and invigorated. In a nutshell, it's going to be an emotional oasis!

On the entertainment front, we have Hasmitha enlightening you about the most talked about season 7 premiere of Game of Thrones and the veteran, Lasya, gives her take on the Handmaid's tale. Followed by a short story namely " Silhoutte" by Sruthi. We then have Nimisha review one of the classics of Sidney Sheldon, "If tomorrow Comes".

An ardent fan that he is, Ashketh, for sure is going to make you all nostalgic by writing a memoriam on the legendary Chester Bennington.

We have a beautiful poem penned by Meeta with a rather paradoxical title "The less you know, the better it is?"

Mahitha makes us crave a good meal by taking us through a diner she recently happened to visit, "WOK republic" and Madhurima gives us a few sartorial tips in the "Monsoon fashion".

Readers awaiting something scientific, we have plenty to offer with Vishnu and his take on "The Gamma ray bursts". Akhil gives us a sneak peek into perhaps the most talked about hot potato in the automobile industry by enlightening us on the future of electric vehicles.

Shashank and Abhijith share their knowledge and opinions on VR technology and the iphone8 respectively.

Shikha reminds us of our duties as a human by writing about BHUMI, a NGO while Aishwarya gives you a meticulous look at our newly elected President, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind.

Mahathi makes us aware of what could be the biggest expedition to Mars and Mohak mentions about could be the astonishing origin of the rhyme "Ring a Ring o’ roses"!

I am certain this edition will be a great read and will educate and entertain it's readers.


Thank you.

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2 August 2017


Shreyas Gawali

Shreyas Gawali


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