Gond Art

Gond paintings form a mystic world that is created by dots and lines. They are a form of folk and tribal art that is practiced by one of the largest tribes in India and is predominantly centered in Madhya Pradesh, with whom it shares its name. Gond comes from the Dravidian expression ,Kond, which means ‘the green mountain’.
Gond paintings can best be described as ‘on-line work’. Lines are used in such a way that it conveys a sense of movement to the still images. Dots and dashes are added to impart a greater sense of movement and to increase the amount of detail.
Artworks such as these have been done from quite some time now. They resemble aboriginal art from Australia and can sell for anywhere between INR 2,000/- and INR 2,50,000/-.
This is a simple form of painting which all of us can try. So, this is how to get started:
Materials required
Oil Paints/ Watercolors
Paper(Canvas/Ivory/Normal drawing paper)
Lets get started!
Step 1
Draw a rough pencil sketch.

Step 2
Use bright vivid colors to paint the sketch. Then, draw a black outline.

Step 3
With the help of lines, dots and dashes try to create a pattern or design of your own. The following patterns are frequently used.

Now, draw that pattern with paint on the painting.

Step 4
We can use different colors for detailing to create an overall effect.

So TADAA! That is going to be your mini masterpiece, ‘Gond painting’.
Sources: https://www.deccanfootprints.com/collections/gond-art
Published on:
1 February 2018