Have you heard? New year is your best bet to grow

December is fading away
There’s a new year coming your way
All frustrations drowned
With the chill of cold air around
As the new year rises away
Everybody say hip, hip hurray!
Decide on a dream today, nothing will inspire you
In quite the same way.
Ideas are worthless without action, do not procrastinate,
Be a man of action.
If it didn’t bring you joy, just leave it behind.
Let’s ring in the New Year, with good things in mind.
Let every bad memory
That brought heartache and pain, and let’s turn a new leaf,
With smell of new rain.
Remember the things that made you laugh, cry like calf?
Remember every act of kindness done, to you, whatever be its measure.
Remember praise by others won, pass it on with pleasure.
Remember every promise made, keep it to the letter.
Remember those who lend you aid, and be grateful debtor.
Never forget the luck you had the whole year,
If you didn’t have any, don’t moan saying “oh dear!”
‘Cause there’s more to come this New Year!
There comes Santa with yummy goodies
For the sweet charming little buddies.
Goodbye is what is said this year,
Expecting more to happen in the next year.
Have fun everyone, and
Happy New Year!!
Published on:
2 January 2017