Hello February!

Hello readers!
As we settle into 2019, it's time to look back at all the broken resolutions and slowly come to terms with the fact that a whole month has already gone by. So welcome, February! New month, new edition. We pondered hard on what this edition's theme should be and decided that there's nothing more fun than writing something you'd love to read yourself. So this one is brought to you from the depths of the writers' minds; some personal, some casual, some funny, some intense, but all close to the heart.
All that being said, so much has happened in the past month alone, but one issue that definitely stole the global limelight was the US government shutdown. Radhika duly elaborates on the current scenario with The shutdown is over. Or, is it?.
Shivani hits the spot with Holocaust: the scars of humanity, as she recounts the atrocities of the world wars, and talks about what we can take away for the future.
Meghana travels back in time to ancient Egypt, as she narrates the story of The library of Alexandria with The day Alexandria stood still, how it rose to become the world's greatest storehouse of knowledge and the role of man in its ruinous fall.
Explore Life in PUBG with Suraj's descriptive account of the sensational game, a hardcore battle to the last player standing. If you didn't know about PUBG, now you will.
See if you can relate to Anmol's Multiverse, a personal anecdote of his musings about parallel universes and essential escapes that tickles your brain into thought.
Speaking of relatable, Azam imparts some wise words about life and career while keeping the humor in Four two, including his personal experiences and thoughts on college life.
Pratish does what he's best at with Lakshmi's lakshya, providing his interpretation of the Mythological episodes and significance of Goddess Lakshmi.
Vaishnavi discusses the simulation theory and its possibilities while elaborating on the credibility of the hypothesis. Maybe we're all in a simulation, maybe we're not. Read The Blurring Lines of Reality to find out what science has to say.
We shift gears with Akhil's The Grand Tour, a review of the Amazon original, where a trio travel the globe in a car while recording their experiences. Whether or not you're a car junkie, you wouldn't want to miss this one!
Abhay delivers a poem on Symmetry, an ocean of verses to drown into, verses that simultaneously soothe the heart, and stimulate the mind.
Bharath reviews the book 'Structures and interpretation of computer programs', while also highlighting the biggest takeaways, objectives and its degree of utility for computer science enthusiasts in his A review of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
What does your playlist have to do with your psyche? Shreya discusses music and its significant relationship with our personality in Am I who my music says I am?
And with that, we reach the end, but the reading has only just begun! This edition is all about diversity of thought and interests, so whatever your mood, we have an article for you. Happy reading!
- The Editors
As we settle into 2019, it's time to look back at all the broken resolutions and slowly come to terms with the fact that a whole month has already gone by. So welcome, February! New month, new edition. We pondered hard on what this edition's theme should be and decided that there's nothing more fun than writing something you'd love to read yourself. So this one is brought to you from the depths of the writers' minds; some personal, some casual, some funny, some intense, but all close to the heart.
All that being said, so much has happened in the past month alone, but one issue that definitely stole the global limelight was the US government shutdown. Radhika duly elaborates on the current scenario with The shutdown is over. Or, is it?.
Shivani hits the spot with Holocaust: the scars of humanity, as she recounts the atrocities of the world wars, and talks about what we can take away for the future.
Meghana travels back in time to ancient Egypt, as she narrates the story of The library of Alexandria with The day Alexandria stood still, how it rose to become the world's greatest storehouse of knowledge and the role of man in its ruinous fall.
Explore Life in PUBG with Suraj's descriptive account of the sensational game, a hardcore battle to the last player standing. If you didn't know about PUBG, now you will.
See if you can relate to Anmol's Multiverse, a personal anecdote of his musings about parallel universes and essential escapes that tickles your brain into thought.
Speaking of relatable, Azam imparts some wise words about life and career while keeping the humor in Four two, including his personal experiences and thoughts on college life.
Pratish does what he's best at with Lakshmi's lakshya, providing his interpretation of the Mythological episodes and significance of Goddess Lakshmi.
Vaishnavi discusses the simulation theory and its possibilities while elaborating on the credibility of the hypothesis. Maybe we're all in a simulation, maybe we're not. Read The Blurring Lines of Reality to find out what science has to say.
We shift gears with Akhil's The Grand Tour, a review of the Amazon original, where a trio travel the globe in a car while recording their experiences. Whether or not you're a car junkie, you wouldn't want to miss this one!
Abhay delivers a poem on Symmetry, an ocean of verses to drown into, verses that simultaneously soothe the heart, and stimulate the mind.
Bharath reviews the book 'Structures and interpretation of computer programs', while also highlighting the biggest takeaways, objectives and its degree of utility for computer science enthusiasts in his A review of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
What does your playlist have to do with your psyche? Shreya discusses music and its significant relationship with our personality in Am I who my music says I am?
And with that, we reach the end, but the reading has only just begun! This edition is all about diversity of thought and interests, so whatever your mood, we have an article for you. Happy reading!
- The Editors
Published on:
6 February 2019