Home-made Lipbalm

There are so many kinds of lip balm out there, but it can be hard to find just the right one. What’s the solution? Make your own, of course! It’s surprisingly simple to whip up a batch of lip balm that’s perfectly customized to your taste. Here are simple, actually the easiest, steps that can be followed to make chap-sticks in less than 10 minutes.
All you need is-
Now you are all set to make your own lip-balm in less than 10 minutes!
1.Add the petroleum jelly, Olive oil, crayon or bee wax, and vanilla essence in the big spoon or a small cup and heat it.

2. Keep stirring with the small spoon till the essence is dissolved in the mixture and the wax crayon is fully melted.

3. Once the mixture is becomes a fine liquid, pour it into the empty lib-balm containers and refrigerate the container for about 5 minutes.

4. Your self-made lip balm is ready! Happy lips! :D

Image Courtesy- Niharika Emmadi
All you need is-
- Petroleum Jelly
- Olive oil
- Wax crayon (any colour of your choice) or bee wax(if you want it to be colourless)
- Essence(I used vanilla)
- Empty lip-balm containers
- A small spoon to stir and a big spoon(used as a cup to heat)
[caption id="attachment_1501" align="aligncenter" width="300" class=" "]All that you need.[/caption]
Now you are all set to make your own lip-balm in less than 10 minutes!
1.Add the petroleum jelly, Olive oil, crayon or bee wax, and vanilla essence in the big spoon or a small cup and heat it.

2. Keep stirring with the small spoon till the essence is dissolved in the mixture and the wax crayon is fully melted.

3. Once the mixture is becomes a fine liquid, pour it into the empty lib-balm containers and refrigerate the container for about 5 minutes.

4. Your self-made lip balm is ready! Happy lips! :D

Image Courtesy- Niharika Emmadi
Published on:
29 November 2014