Innovation at its peaks

We’ve heard quotes all our lives, some useful, some motivational, and some life-altering. If we define them in a mathematical sense, they are like axioms. There is no proof of them being true what so ever. Only experiencing them on our own can lead us to a definite conclusion. We are our own judge. Here is one such quote, which accurately defines the present situation of the world.
"Necessity is the mother of Invention”
The year 2020 has been by far the most eventful year. It has gifted mankind with disastrous gifts relentlessly. Be it the volcano eruption or the current pandemic season, there was not a single second to spare. The words 'hazardous' 'pandemic', 'distancing' etc. have been spotted everywhere from newspapers to televisions and leaflets and spoken by every person. Along with these words, the emotions that play a big part in keeping people occupied are anxiousness, apprehension, depression, etc. Many theories, conspiracies, schemes have also been brought to light some true while the others are fabricated. To sum it all up, this year has brought many unexpected surprises whether it will be treated as a boon or a bane will differ from one individual to the other.
The one good thing that has also evolved this quarantine is creativity and innovation. Many ideas and notions have popped up in people’s brains. Though the circumstances demand physical restrictions, there is nothing that can restrict one’s brain. Ample time and boredom have paved the way to out of the box ideas.
This is where the quote comes to play. Since the concept of social distancing and lockdown has led to the downfall of many industries in the society like the entertainment industry, the education sector, etc. they have used the innovation factor to seize the opportunity and utilize technology to its full extent.
Entertainment Industry:
Let’s start with the entertainment industry since we all know that this is the most adored industry out there. Any gossips and news related to this industry never fail in indulging the world. The movie industry always manages to surprise the crowd with amazing movies and by the looks of it, lockdown will not be a hurdle any longer. They have come up with the ideas of virtual production and creative distancing where actors can perform within the digital environment and the creative team can collaborate despite being in different places. Some existing movies that are an example of these new concepts are Lion King and Oscar-winning film Gravity, where the only real live-action were the faces of the principal actors. Tv-shows have also evolved in a way that they have now become lockdown talk shows, which includes the host having conversations with various actors.
A famous entity of the entertainment industry is Netflix, which keeps the people entertained with its movies and series. It has designed a new way to watch Netflix with your friends. This is called Netflix Party where the video playback is synchronized and it enables group chats to any Netflix show. This way you can connect with your family and friends while remaining physically distant.
Education and Software Industry:
The education industry and software industry are also not far behind. Schools and colleges are using applications like Zoom and GoToMeeting to conduct online classes to stay on schedule. Students are submitting assignments via emails or in google drive. Likewise, the software industry has also come to terms with the lockdown period and is using the concept of work from home to allocate work. Companies like TCS will continue with this concept post-COVID. TCS will ask a majority of 75% of its 4.48 lakh employees globally to work from home.
Board games like Ludo and tombolo which kept us entertained as youngsters have evolved into a virtual version to keep us occupied this quarantine. Online delivery systems like Swiggy and Zomato have brought in new concepts like zero-touch-delivery to keep their sales from dropping. Applications like Wattpad which provide virtual books to read are loaded with books related to quarantine since this lockdown period has been an inspiration to several authors. They are also hosting many contests and podcasts to grab the attention of the readers.
All in all this year has been quite an interesting one. It has forced people out of their comfort zone right from the start. And since we humans like the challenges, we have met with it head-on. These challenges have compelled us to open up the part of our brain that we have locked up. This gave rise to creative ideas and new innovation to achieve our goals despite the circumstances. So this proves that necessity is indeed the mother of invention and innovation.
source: https://theconversation.com/how-the-movie-industry-is-fighting-lockdown-139149
Published on:
7 June 2020