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When learning German, do as the Germans do

When learning German, do as the Germans do
Halloweeeen – ‘dem scary times’ were just around the corner and since German is perhaps one of the scariest languages to hear it seems apt that there’s an article on German in this edition. (A lot of people get confused a bit. German is the LANGUAGE. The country is Germany – with a ‘Y’) I must say, though, that this stereotype about the German language is very unfair. I agree - it isn’t as much a treat to the ears as are Italian or French but it has its own aesthetic beauty. Being the phonetic language it is, written and spoken German are ditto alike thereby almost fully dismissing silent letters and making it easier when learning. It is an extremely organised language as are its native speakers and though it is slightly difficult to learn the extensive grammar when you do nail it you feel GOOD.

When I began learning German at Ramakrishna Math in September of 2013 I was asked why I made the decision. I’m still asked this question! Honestly speaking I just wanted to do something different that might (and I can now say, most certainly does) give me an edge. I completed the course last December so it was a great decision at that. Plus since it's a language you can never finish learning it. You can improve yourself and help others as well. In fact, I advocate learning a foreign language because not only does it give one tactical advantages, but is also a joyful way to engage oneself.

Alright let’s get right to it; this article shows what makes language learning fun for me. I have in store for you a couple tongue twisters (with the meaning and a pronunciation guide for the adventurous) and some of my favourite songs for you music lovers… all in German. Wait - don't turn away or go back to the articles page. You don’t have to know the language or the lyrics to enjoy; the tongue twisters are just for fun but the songs I am going to suggest will strike a chord nonetheless.

Tongue Twisters

The Germans call them Zungenbrecher (pronounced as tsoongenbresher) which translates to ‘tongue breakers’. Let’s see if these two tongue-twisters can “break” your tongue.

#1 – Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze.


which means, Fischer’s (son) Fritz fishes for fresh fish. For fresh fish fishes Fischer’s (son) Fritz.

Pronunciation guide:  e’s at the ends of words are pronounced ‘uh’,  sch is pronounced ‘sh’, and z is pronounced ‘ts’ and not ‘zz’. Try it!!

#2 – Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut.

which means, a wedding dress remains a wedding dress and red-cabbage remains red-cabbage.


Yes I agree, the meaning is pointless. Try it still.  Pronunciation guide: au is pronounced  ‘ou’ as in sound and ei is pronounced like ‘eye’. Give it a shot!


,,Musik ist eine höhere Offenbarung als die alle Weisheit und Philosophien'' 

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy"  - Ludwig von Beethoven

Music has no bias and touches anyone in any language. Here are some of my most favourite German songs. I implore you all – listen to them. The music won’t let you down!

Genau jetzt by Nena (pronounced ‘genow yetst’)

Lass sie tanzen by Ali As ft. Namika (pronounced ‘laas zee taansen’)

Leb deine Träume by Luxuslärm (pronounced ‘laib dye-na troim-uh’)

Lieblingsmensch by Namika (pronounced ‘leeblingsmensh’)

Solange Liebe in mir wohnt by Luxuslärm (pronounced ‘zolaang-uh leeb-uh in meer vont’)

Here’s some of the awesome stuff I came across that are really share-worthy and this is just a glimpse! Be adventurous, give things a shot because who knows what you will end up trying or doing. Have fun – or as the Germans would say - viel Spaß!

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Published on:

24 October 2016
