Must-have Apps: Part Two

App Store Rating: 4 & 1/2 stars
Play Store Rating: 4 stars
Getting the book you want from a library with a very limited supply of books (like say 40 STM books for 300 CSE students, tough job!) is a herculean task. That’s where Scribd comes into play. You can find millions of books and documents you need that are shared by people from all over the world. You can easily curate them in line with their topic and create your own library with different books, notes and texts and share them with your friends. Available for free on iOS and Android
App Store Rating: 4 stars
Play Store Rating: 4 & 1/2 stars
Every other smartphone today has DropBox but not many use it to its full potential. It allows you to upload any file, document, photo, video or link onto a cloud-based server and share them with friends without the fear of losing any data. You can access them online, whenever you need, from any device with an Internet connection. Dropbox ranks among one of the best cloud services. It is absurdly simple to use and highly informative. Available for free on Android and iOS
App Store Rating: 4 & 1/2 stars
Play Store Rating: 4 & 1/2 stars
Duolingo is a premium-level language app that uses free lessons to make you a pro at any language. With easy to learn lessons from over 20 languages, this app is ridiculously simple to use and quite effective. When it comes to learning a new language, nothing can beat Duolingo. It is available for free on Apple and Android devices.
Ever wished to convert any file into a PDF with a single click? With Snap2PDF, you can do just that! Touted as "The Best Document Management App ", it let's you capture and manage multi-page documents. It supports over 10 languages. Here’s how you use it: snap the text and then convert the picture into a PDF file. As easy as ABC! Download it here: iOS for $2.
App Store Rating: 4 &1/2 stars
Play Store Rating: 4 &1/2 stars

Books, Food, Bills etc College adds up pretty quickly. Download Mint.com to control your budget and keep track of your spending. Connect your bank account and manage all your money in one place using Mint. You can set bill reminders and view your spending in graphs. If your device is stolen, you can disable the mobile app through Mint's web page. With Mint.com, you will never go broke at unexpected times. No worries about blowing your budget anymore! Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
SelfControl (Mac App-not iOS)

When exams are just around the corner and you have a unit to finish but then your phone is buzzing with Facebook notifications. There’s a way to stop that chatter, that’s called SelfControl (not the mental ability, the app). This app is for those who can’t live without Social Networks. It's a free, open-source application that blocks certain websites that can distract you from studying, for a set amount of time. Restarting your computer or deleting the application won't negate the timer so use it wisely. Just don’t block our website!
Pocket First Aid & CPR
App Store Rating: 4 &1/2 stars

Well, it’s certainly not the most exciting app to have on your phone but you never know when it might come in handy. Pocket First Aid and CPR contains 34 videos and 46 high-resolution illustrations with clear instructions enhanced with images. You can also create a custom wallpaper that includes all your medical information. Available for $1.99 for iOS and Android devices.
Exciting Tidbit - The Pocket First Aid & CPR app was famously used by one of the Haiti survivors while trapped under rubble, who used the app to check the best treatments for excessive bleeding, compound fractures and a head wound while he waited for help.
Published on:
31 January 2016