My BEC Experience

Have you ever wondered how taking an exam can seriously change the way you look at yourself? If you haven’t then think now! Probably that’s not something that we, as students tend to do often. But as we bid adieu to the educational phase of our lives to enter a professional environment where companies and managements are constantly competing with each other to sell their ideas to the people, the need to introspect and devise innovative methods to aggrandize oneself becomes more profound. Taking BEC helped me do just that. Initially the intent behind writing BEC was only to get an idea of where I stood amongst a talented group. But when I started preparing for the test earnestly, I realized that the test had much more to offer. Call it a fear or a lack of confidence or a previous encounter that went horribly wrong, but beginning a conversation with a stranger was something that didn’t come to me naturally. Thanks to my mentor and the frequent discussions we exam takers had in the classes, I am now confident enough to speak my mind when I am with strangers. BEC also helped me get acquainted with the format and etiquette followed in writing emails. Email writing for me before BEC was just like it was for most of my friends – something similar to writing a letter but online. Preparing for BEC helped me learn the subtle differences in writing letters and Emails and come out of that misconception. Frequent practice along with the valuable inputs from Shweta Ma’am helped me to a great extent in fine-tuning my Email-Writing skills. Improved Analytical writing skills is another takeaway from the BEC preparation classes. The writing assignments given by the mentor and the feedback I received for those assignments have broadened my horizons about analytical writing.Taking BEC and the preparation that goes into taking the test not only made it easy for me to connect to people but it has also helped me answer the questions put forth by the recruiters on the interview panel during campus interviews in a confident manner. Preparation for BEC has also influenced my thought process in the right direction and has helped me communicate better. If honing your skills tops your priority list then BEC is for you. Invest time for a better you – Take BEC soon!
Published on:
4 March 2015