Readers Write

With the Covid-19 outbreak taking a toll on our sanity, social lives, and several other factors, this time, we, as kMITRA wanted to do something different. We wanted to know what our readers think about this time in quarantine and how life in isolation had been treating them. So, we came up with the idea of having this section to hear their hearts and minds, in addition to them hearing us out each time.
My Quarantine Experience
Who would've thought that the engines of capitalism and socialism of the nations would come to such a juddering halt? The pandemic has caused an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the world. Yet, here we are, locked up in our dens. Forced to hear our thoughts, we are now always in the 2 a.m. version of ourselves, trying to be optimistic either by learning new skills or enhancing our passions. I was looking at old pictures in our photo album, reliving those cherished memories when I heard my mom sing, wondering why she thought her lyrics were remotely, possibly, or vaguely correct. As I went for a walk in the morning for some fresh air, I thought to myself that the world is going through a huge change. It is now up to us to choose how to enter this new phase. We can choose to walk through it holding on to the heavy baggage of the past or we can walk through it lightly, embracing the future.
-Vaishnavi Deshpande
My quarantine started with the excitement of relaxing to my heart's content: binge-watching, eating and sleeping. However, with all the extra time I had, courtesy of the lockdown extensions, I started exploring my hobbies and interests. For the first time, I tried writing poetry. Let's just say that's a work in progress, but cooking was an art I was sure I'd master! My family also spends more time together now - making new memories every day, while extended family video calls have become a daily tradition. A part of all this, my quarantine also includes reality checks. I see and hear news every day that reminds me that the pandemic is not over yet, but as long as we embrace this new lifestyle and be there for each other, 'this too shall pass'.
At the end of the day, if there is fear and sadness in my quarantine, there's also joy and hope, and I choose to focus on the latter.
-Veera Mihika Ayyagari
Eat-sleep-repeat is my daily routine. The number of times I opened the fridge door, and the number of episodes I binge-watched in a day like a couch potato are countless. It felt lonely in the beginning but I got in touch with all my friends; facetime helped bridge the distance. I wasn't allowed to eat something that was cold, so I got used to sneaking into the kitchen to eat ice cream. I had thought of listening to online lectures but ended up listening to those by my parents. I sat down with my family to revisit old photo albums and played games with my cousins online. I've learned that distance doesn't matter if our hearts are loyal to each other.
This lockdown has made me chubbier, so much so that when I went to search for a laddu my mom said, “Try searching it in front of the mirror!”
-Nayani Reddy
My experience has been pretty good although of course, boredom ruled. Initially, it was exciting as I didn't have to go to college but eventually as the days extended to weeks, I tried to kill time by finding new habits like cooking, doing chores, etc. I started watching a few new shows on TV which were really worth it. I now exercise and go for a walk twice every day for an hour to be fit and healthy. I also started writing a ‘Dream Journal’ about a month ago, wherein I penned down my dreams. Glad to say that I’m halfway through it.
I must admit that this lockdown has helped me re-associate with my school friends with whom I haven't been in touch for a long time. My friends and I had felt nostalgic reminiscing our school days and shared a few photos from the past.
My family has been very supportive of my mother who has been giving her continuous medical services at the Charminar Phc. By the time she reaches home, I make sure that she gets some time to relax and soothe herself. I hope everybody is safe and healthy.
-Sravanthi Kiran
“I am bored” – This was the only phrase I could hear in the initial days of my quarantine. I was bored too. I knew I couldn’t fight boredom and laziness. I figured that the only way out was to keep myself busy. So, I indulged myself in music. I tried to understand the essence of music and enjoyed singing for myself. I started reading some famous books and stories of people in an attempt to learn something new. They indeed taught me many life lessons. I also learned the basics of programming and entertained myself watching Marvel movies and Netflix series. To experiment, I started writing and drawing. I spent quality time with my family which made me realize the greatness of it. I spent time with myself, enjoyed my own company, and began to explore myself. All this made my quarantine special although I miss my college life very much.
-LNS Praneeth
After the lockdown news broke out, I was worried whether I could stay at home for so long or not. But when I remembered the amount of stress college had given me, I thought it wasn't a big deal. Quarantine gave me relaxation, mainly through food. It's shocking that there is no food item that can't be made at home. We can make anything by ourselves if we put some effort.
It has also brought me closer to my grandma. She was elated as everyone has got to spend time with her. I could relate to her now because, for her, every day has been a day in quarantine for the past few years as she started weakening with age. I wonder what my dog has been thinking because now, everyone is always at home unlike the usual. I miss seeing him jump in happiness when he sees me coming home from outside. There are many more things to learn from this quarantine. I hope everyone is enjoying this too!
-Ritish Murki
For the first time, it felt like I'm being held back by something. With time, I started enjoying my space. The initial days made me realize that there’s only so much you can enjoy being on your phone. I realized that there are a lot of things we can actually do at home, like getting a degree and making food tastier than how our favorite restaurant does. This time in quarantine made me realize how much my country needs me and every other person, and I thought about how I can support my country. Although I accept that my knowledge regarding this is limited, its worthy. Besides that, I noticed how the market and funds work and how best we can sell ourselves. The basic rule of the market is that we either meet the demand or make a demand for supply. Nevertheless, quarantine turned me into a learner and made me believe that there is no stranger but just a friend unknown.
-Vemuri Sai Srinivas.
My Quarantine Experience
Who would've thought that the engines of capitalism and socialism of the nations would come to such a juddering halt? The pandemic has caused an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the world. Yet, here we are, locked up in our dens. Forced to hear our thoughts, we are now always in the 2 a.m. version of ourselves, trying to be optimistic either by learning new skills or enhancing our passions. I was looking at old pictures in our photo album, reliving those cherished memories when I heard my mom sing, wondering why she thought her lyrics were remotely, possibly, or vaguely correct. As I went for a walk in the morning for some fresh air, I thought to myself that the world is going through a huge change. It is now up to us to choose how to enter this new phase. We can choose to walk through it holding on to the heavy baggage of the past or we can walk through it lightly, embracing the future.
-Vaishnavi Deshpande
My quarantine started with the excitement of relaxing to my heart's content: binge-watching, eating and sleeping. However, with all the extra time I had, courtesy of the lockdown extensions, I started exploring my hobbies and interests. For the first time, I tried writing poetry. Let's just say that's a work in progress, but cooking was an art I was sure I'd master! My family also spends more time together now - making new memories every day, while extended family video calls have become a daily tradition. A part of all this, my quarantine also includes reality checks. I see and hear news every day that reminds me that the pandemic is not over yet, but as long as we embrace this new lifestyle and be there for each other, 'this too shall pass'.
At the end of the day, if there is fear and sadness in my quarantine, there's also joy and hope, and I choose to focus on the latter.
-Veera Mihika Ayyagari
Eat-sleep-repeat is my daily routine. The number of times I opened the fridge door, and the number of episodes I binge-watched in a day like a couch potato are countless. It felt lonely in the beginning but I got in touch with all my friends; facetime helped bridge the distance. I wasn't allowed to eat something that was cold, so I got used to sneaking into the kitchen to eat ice cream. I had thought of listening to online lectures but ended up listening to those by my parents. I sat down with my family to revisit old photo albums and played games with my cousins online. I've learned that distance doesn't matter if our hearts are loyal to each other.
This lockdown has made me chubbier, so much so that when I went to search for a laddu my mom said, “Try searching it in front of the mirror!”
-Nayani Reddy
My experience has been pretty good although of course, boredom ruled. Initially, it was exciting as I didn't have to go to college but eventually as the days extended to weeks, I tried to kill time by finding new habits like cooking, doing chores, etc. I started watching a few new shows on TV which were really worth it. I now exercise and go for a walk twice every day for an hour to be fit and healthy. I also started writing a ‘Dream Journal’ about a month ago, wherein I penned down my dreams. Glad to say that I’m halfway through it.
I must admit that this lockdown has helped me re-associate with my school friends with whom I haven't been in touch for a long time. My friends and I had felt nostalgic reminiscing our school days and shared a few photos from the past.
My family has been very supportive of my mother who has been giving her continuous medical services at the Charminar Phc. By the time she reaches home, I make sure that she gets some time to relax and soothe herself. I hope everybody is safe and healthy.
-Sravanthi Kiran
“I am bored” – This was the only phrase I could hear in the initial days of my quarantine. I was bored too. I knew I couldn’t fight boredom and laziness. I figured that the only way out was to keep myself busy. So, I indulged myself in music. I tried to understand the essence of music and enjoyed singing for myself. I started reading some famous books and stories of people in an attempt to learn something new. They indeed taught me many life lessons. I also learned the basics of programming and entertained myself watching Marvel movies and Netflix series. To experiment, I started writing and drawing. I spent quality time with my family which made me realize the greatness of it. I spent time with myself, enjoyed my own company, and began to explore myself. All this made my quarantine special although I miss my college life very much.
-LNS Praneeth
After the lockdown news broke out, I was worried whether I could stay at home for so long or not. But when I remembered the amount of stress college had given me, I thought it wasn't a big deal. Quarantine gave me relaxation, mainly through food. It's shocking that there is no food item that can't be made at home. We can make anything by ourselves if we put some effort.
It has also brought me closer to my grandma. She was elated as everyone has got to spend time with her. I could relate to her now because, for her, every day has been a day in quarantine for the past few years as she started weakening with age. I wonder what my dog has been thinking because now, everyone is always at home unlike the usual. I miss seeing him jump in happiness when he sees me coming home from outside. There are many more things to learn from this quarantine. I hope everyone is enjoying this too!
-Ritish Murki
For the first time, it felt like I'm being held back by something. With time, I started enjoying my space. The initial days made me realize that there’s only so much you can enjoy being on your phone. I realized that there are a lot of things we can actually do at home, like getting a degree and making food tastier than how our favorite restaurant does. This time in quarantine made me realize how much my country needs me and every other person, and I thought about how I can support my country. Although I accept that my knowledge regarding this is limited, its worthy. Besides that, I noticed how the market and funds work and how best we can sell ourselves. The basic rule of the market is that we either meet the demand or make a demand for supply. Nevertheless, quarantine turned me into a learner and made me believe that there is no stranger but just a friend unknown.
-Vemuri Sai Srinivas.
Published on:
7 June 2020