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The Man Who Ignited Many Minds

The Man Who Ignited Many Minds
Great individuals may depart this world, but their vision will never depart with them! Our tribute doesn't lie in how much we mourn their death, but in how far we take their dream with us. Because when great people die, they don’t really leave us, they live in our thought-word-action as they have influenced the world around them forever.  This edition is dedicated to our dear former president, Prof. Abdul Kalam, who conquered many hearts and inspired many more.

539 Bharat Ratna A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015

I often wonder as to how can one achieve so much in a span of a lifetime and yet remain humble all throughout. We not only dedicate our work to the Missile Man who made a difference everywhere he went, but we take pride in doing so. We take pride as we realize that our objectives are coherent with the vision he had for all of us -To dream and to turn those dreams into reality. We take pride in taking his legacy forward. In a detailed article about his work, or I should say his legend, we reminisce Prof. Kalam’s journey and what it meant for our nation.

This month, most of our seniors are occupied with campus recruitment and training. We advise them and also the third years in specific, to check out the career advice coming from one of the senior writers. We have our team taking on the recent movies and books which hit the market and are a good read to all the critic lovers out there. On the technology facet, we have Apple Music and Spotify compared based on their overall experience. We also talk about how Python is hissing its way into becoming the most important software language and the beauty in its uniqueness.

We urge KMITians to not delay any further if you're interested in joining us, to  create beautiful things and have fun with a bunch of like-minded, dynamic and activity driven people.

Shri Ram Pydimarri,

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4 August 2015


Shriram Pydimarri

Shriram Pydimarri


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