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Thank You.

Thank You.
I sit here on this regular (read second degree burn inducing hot) summer day sipping on iced tea ready to write what might possibly be my last contribution to kMITRA as an editor and started reminiscing about the early days, when kMITRA first came into my life. The first team meeting I' attended, brainstorming ideas on what to write, the research involved, the writing process and reading my article again and again after it was published. It seems like both, a lifetime ago and yesterday at the same time.

What started off as a hobby, a distraction from the tediousness and mundanity of college work became one of the most important part of my college life.

As I look for one word that can most aptly convey what I feel towards kMITRA right now, without a flicker of doubt, the only word which seems quite befitting is - GRATEFUL.

So,Thank you.

Thank you, for rekindling the spark I had for writing and for providing a platform to put forth my ideas and thoughts.

Thank you, for making me a part of an extremely talented team, where everyone is as enthusiastic about putting themselves(thoughts) in words as I do. A team from whom I've learnt so much about kindness, talent, patience, enthusiasm, passion & creativity. Forever in awe of the brilliance of this team.


I sit back with a tear in the corner of my eye and a broad smile across my face thinking about all the good times I've had with kMITRA like the advertisement we made on what kMITRA is about and playing it during the short film festival or the first time we got our T-shirts and parading in college feeling like celebrities or the photoshoot we had or the one year anniversary where we were appreciated for our work and taken out to lunch as a team by college management and were given customized cupcakes by our mentor. kMITRA has given me so many experiences where I've grown as an individual and also it has given lifetime worth of memories to cherish.







Thank you, for being my friend, my mentor, my stress buster, my rostrum, my asset and thank you for just being there.

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Published on:

1 April 2016


Neeharika Palepu

Neeharika Palepu


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