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The Pro in Productivity (and Procrastination)

The Pro in Productivity (and Procrastination)
A few minutes before the alarm goes off at 4 am

The birds are still asleep in their nests as I stare at the digital alarm clock, waiting for it to ring.

One could say that I might be classified as somewhat of an early bird. An early riser. A go-getter.

I quickly make my bed and finish brushing my teeth. A sense of accomplishment seeping into my bones as I make a healthy breakfast smoothie. Frozen strawberries, a little bit of plain old greek yogurt, some almond butter and almond milk along with some honey and vanilla extract all blended together. And into the fridge, it goes. Perfect.


4.15 am on the dot

The exercise mat is ready, with the dumbbells and the exercise ball on the side. The city is still asleep. I don't need tutorial videos or the instructions anymore, I have been doing it regularly for far too long. Today is Monday which means: abs and glutes day. 

One does not need fancy gym equipment and machines to work out. All you need is the right amount of discipline. Everything else is just a breeze.


45 mins later

The sky is slowly starting to lighten. By the time I am done with my workout, I am covered in sweat, breathing uneven. Time for the body to calm down again.

And what better way can there be for the body to cool down, center itself, and refresh itself than to meditate early in the morning. 

After 15 minutes of bringing attention to my breathing, I open my eyes. The world was waking up.

With a deep breath, I look at the sky and at the world around me.

It is going to be a fun day ahead.


Around 5.30 am

After a quick shower, I sit in front of my laptop, sipping on my chilled healthy breakfast strawberry smoothie which is jam-packed with energy.

Time to get started on some work! We are in the midst of a pandemic and it is all work from home. As with every gloomy situation, I have found a silver lining. My productivity has never been higher than this.

I continue working on my app. I am almost at the end of it.

A smoothie, a granola bar, and 2 and a half hours later, I release the app to the world. This is my contribution to try and make a difference in these scary times.


8 am a.k.a the dough has had enough time to rest

The sour bread dough I made the night before is almost ready to go into the oven. A little flour here, a little there, and into the dutch oven goes the dough. Make sure the seam side is down and don't forget to score the top of the dough!

The entire process takes about 20 mins and soon I am back in front of the laptop again.

I pull out a notebook with neat color-coded handwritten notes and 2 highlighters. Time for Russian lessons. Because clearly, being fluent in German, Gaelic and Polish wasn't enough.

An hour into the lessons, I get up to take the bread out of the oven. There are 3 new messages on my phone, two of which state that they want to buy my app for a huge sum of money.

A new item to add in the todo list

  • Sell the app

I get back to my books and with a final revision decide it is enough for today.

I open my messages and compare both offers. A few minutes to decide and a short conversation later, the app is sold. It was merely a side project and I made millions.


Sometime around 10.15 am

I tend to my herb garden as the water boils on the stove. Time for some refreshing herbal tea.

I grab my knitting needles and the unfinished woolen blanket in one hand, my tea in the other as I sit down on a chair facing the wall. Now, this was no ordinary wall. It was a plan. A mastermind plan. A plan to dominate the world. I look at all the data collected so far. Names, addresses, maps with threads of different colors running from one point to another. I observe the plans as I knit. Knitting helps concentrate. I plan my next steps, make changes, and search for loopholes. 

Things are going to come together very, very soon.

With the last sip of my now very cold tea, I strike out a step as completed in my plan.

"Make a famous app that everyone would download"


Time for luncheon

Time to hunt for a delicious but also healthy lunch recipe. Maybe Egyptian?

25 mins of googling, contemplating, and comparing. And I settle on the perfect recipe. I have all the ingredients I need.

All that is left to do is to execute it to perfection.

With a full stomach, I settle on the bed with my laptop to do the last review of my novel.


2 pm

Write a novel. Check

Send novel to the publisher. Check

Time for an afternoon nap.

Staying rested is the key to being ultra-productive.


After the alarm on the  sleep schedule app rings(roughly 1.5hrs later)

DIY time it is! I scroll through Pinterest looking for inspiration as I toast some of the bread made earlier. A little bit of homemade butter on top. 

Ahh, the taste.

I decided on making a hanging basket garden with a few empty pots lying in the shed.

An hour of effort later I am done. All that is left is for the plants to grow now.

Time to reward myself.  Mojito it is~


5.20 pm

I plug in my earphones and hit play on the audiobook I was listening for the past 2 days. A title I do not recollect, but it was something about psychology...understanding the human mind and manipulation. 

all part of the world domination plan I tell you  

I continue to work on my abstract painting...listening, understanding, and absorbing.


The sun is slowly starting to set o’clock

As I cut some vegetables and fruits, I write down the lyrics of a song to match the melody going on in my head for the past few days.

Once my salad is all tossed, ready, and chilling. in the fridge. It is time for a nice, long bath. Bubbles and bath salts are a must.

What better time to watch an enlightening documentary on economics than when you are relaxing in the bath?


After 40 mins of soaking in the bath and gaining a lot of useful information

Time for my skincare routine.....and maybe a TikTok video?

Oh yes! Let's do this!!

I make up a quick and easy choreography to go with my song and showtime it is.

I record the video and I get it perfect on the 2nd go. A little bit of editing and there you go. My first TikTok. I put my phone away.

That was fun but I am hungry now.


After dinner, a little after 9 pm

The credits of the episode roll in as I turn off the television. I have been watching exactly 1 episode per day. As I said before: Discipline is key.

I check my email and notice that I have received an email from my publisher- the ebook will be released by 9 am the next day.


Publish my book to the masses

My phone notifications are going crazy. Tweets, sponsorship deals, followers, likes, and many more. I was stuck in momentary confusion when it finally hit me.

I've become an internet sensation. My TikTok went viral and now I have almost 9 million followers. Neat.

People were recreating it, making challenges, and going crazy. 

I respond to a few tweets for a while and soon I've had enough.

1 New Message

We would like you to join our label. Would you like to release your own album?

Well looks like that can be dealt with tomorrow. With that, I turn off my phone and put it away to charge.


Quarter to 11

I lie on my bed with my freshly painted nails as I surf the internet. Research papers with conspiracy theories sprinkled in. 

I fall deeper and deeper into the world wide web. Combine what I know and the information I have on hand, I run a few simulation tests and experiments.

Wait...did I just...? I think I did it!

I've found the cure to the virus! 

With that, I am ready to blow the minds of the scientific community. Maybe I should make banana bread tomorrow or maybe-

The sound of the microwave beeping pulls me out of my fantasy and into the real world. The real world and my very real procrastination problems. Ahh if only I was productive. Is that how my life would have been? If only I had basic discipline? Guess I'll never know. 

I take my store-bought very unhealthy pie out of the microwave. I settle back in front of my laptop where I have been binge-watching a show all night while procrastinating on my online assignments. But then again. I guess sometimes life really is like that.

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Published on:

7 June 2020


Meghana Palakodeti

Meghana Palakodeti


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