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Top Five Weathers of all Time

Top Five Weathers of all Time

As summer amps up, the one topic on everyone’s mind is the weather. The oppressive heat has become a part of our daily schedule–changing our plans and diets, affecting our commute and even conversations. Almost everyone with whom I made small talk within the past few months has mentioned at least once how terrible this summer is. While we can all agree that different climates have their own pros and cons, weather is a different case altogether.

We’ve all learned the difference between weather and climate in school. To put it simply, climate dictates seasons, the rains, and the general timeframe of when everyone shifts from pants to shorts.

Weather on the other hand is a fickle phenomenon with an unpredictable pattern. Even with the most advanced technology, weather is still something that humans can never accurately predict. Which is why we’re never sure when to carry an umbrella. And if you’re anything like me, rest assured it will rain on the one day you forget to bring yours. 

Just like our favourite seasons, people have favourite weather conditions. Some might find rain the perfect weather for a nap, while others might find it a perfect excuse to not focus on studying. Humans have always associated weather with myths, omens, and even our state of being.

Now that we’ve established the randomness of weather and how it can range from hot girl summer to the plague of hail of Moses’s 10 punishments from God, let’s dive into what in my opinion are the top 5 weathers of all time. 

1) Popsicle Weather

At the top of my list is what I like to call the Popsicle Weather. It’s the peak summer weather. As harsh as the summer heat is, it is also the most adventurous time of the year. Summer vacation rolls in and the streets are filled with kids playing and laughing. Watermelons and mangoes make up the evening snacks. The sweltering heat becomes the backdrop for harmony as cicadas buzz and TV static crackles. Colourful cotton clothes are seen everywhere. The entire effect is like that of watching an 80s-animated Japanese movie. Sticky popsicle ice creams to rare sightings of fireflies—this weather has it all. 

2)Metro AC Weather

Air Conditioning is a limited experience for most Indian households. We’ve all heard our parents warn us against using AC for a long time. Public spaces with ACs come as boons for most of us.

We’ve all had those tiring days when even a little break goes a long way. Getting a dose of a cool breeze in public spaces for free is an experience of its own. Whether it is the brief draft in an air-conditioned ATM or an extended cool-off in our long commutes inside a metro, nothing ‘breaks a sweat’ better than those stolen chances of experiencing public A/Cs. It’s my favourite part of commuting to college.

3) Snow in the City

Living in the South, we’ve all yearned for snow at least once. With global warming rearing its head in almost every part of the world, the weather has been more unpredictable than ever. While snowfall in our city might seem like a distant fantasy, it’s not impossible. Dubai experienced snowfall for a few minutes in 2021. It is not much different from ours, with its summer temperatures reaching the highs of 45°C to 48°C. But only two hours away from Dubai, they experienced actual snowfall! Our city could be next. With the increase in hail falling from the sky, it doesn’t seem very far off. It’s one of my favourite weather phenomena that is yet to occur. Never say never.

4)Sweater Weather

Waking up for college is hard. Some might say it’s the worst ordeal for a student. But, waking up in sweater weather is a trial of its own. While unpleasant for students in that regard, cold weather is the perfect time to snuggle in bed and stay there. It’s also the time for gorging on tangerines, hot soups, and some of the tastiest healthy food. Summer might have its colourful array of clothing, but the cold boasts a wide range of fashion choices. In a poll, an overwhelming number of writers at kMITRA chose sweater weather over summer in terms of fashion. Turtlenecks, cardigans, mufflers, jackets, and good old sweaters–it's top weather just with the number of fashion choices alone, and for a college student, that goes a long way. 

5) Exam Blues

Probably the most controversial entry in the list, exam blues is the one weather every student dreads. It’s arguably the worst type of 'weather', but it’s got its reasons for being among the top 5 weather of all time as well. The days leading up to an exam are the most frenzied and chaotic times. An atmosphere of doom, accompanied by procrastination, leads students to do everything except study. Most students can attest that the days before an exam, they get motivated to do all types of productive stuff, from nurturing a hobby to organising their rooms–everything to avoid studying. Some students go down the rabbit hole of instagram reels and scroll online for hours with their books just inches away. It’s popularly called escapism, but the broader scientific term is avoidance psychology. Nevertheless, the clarity and perspective regarding everything wrong in life that I experience just hours before an exam is metamorphic.

While defining weather might be difficult and weather forecasting even more so, this was my take on the top 5 weather of all time. Next time you’re stuck in a boring conversation and need something to talk about, weather might be a more fun topic than you think.


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17 December 2024


Afifa Ahmed

Afifa Ahmed


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