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Your Light in the Dark

Your Light in the Dark
2016 - quite the perfect year for late night shows to take a poke at, eh? Another year gone and certainly a peculiar one to say the least. Of course there were ups but the downs took the highlight. It left many humans distraught with no words to describe their fear of the future. However now is the time to look forward and take as much responsibility of the world around us in our hands; no matter who our leader is or what our faith, the real world is made up of people like you and me. And that is why we are the real change-makers. Every act of random kindness is an important part of the antidote to the hatred that reeks our world today. Not all of us, though, will be able to tread this path smoothly- there may be times when we feel like it's just too hard.

In light of this, let me bring back a poem I wrote in 2007. I may not have been aware of much back then but these simple words can mean something to us in difficult times. "The Guru" talks about a human guide. However as readers we can also perceive the guide as our inner self,  a friend, a family member or even our God.

The Guru

When you are lost and you don't know what to do,

There will be one person who will want to guide you.

That person will have all knowledge of what you want to learn

With them by your side there are so many things you will earn.

Their size may be small or as tall as a ladder, but

When gaining their knowledge their size will not matter.

In times of confusion when you are in doubt

All I would recommend is let your guru help out.

There are so many things to be learned and taught

That's why God sent a guru who guides you a lot.

A guru is like our God who is respected by all

A guru wants to help everyone so that, in life, one will never fall.

I think this is a message necessary for every year and not just 2017. Just remember that in time of need, a guiding light can come from absolutely anywhere - even from places or people you least expect. So keep yourself open minded enough to make sure you see it when it comes. That said, have an awesome year filled with all that make you smile from within! Happy 2017!


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Published on:

25 December 2016
