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Zensar ESD Programme

Zensar ESD Programme
Zensar, a Pune based company conducted a 7 day Employee Skill Development aka ESD Programme in our college to third year students who had cleared two rounds of Recruitment process where Round 1 was Verbal and Aptitude Test and Round 2 was Group Discussion. The shortlisted students were divided into two batches. I was in Batch-A. As a person who has attended the entire Programme, I decided to pen down my experience.

We had two PHENOMENAL trainers, Ms. Fatema Tinwala (Batch-A) and Ms. Dhanada (Batch-B) who made every day so very enthralling. Ms. Fatema Tinwala is undoubtedly the most amiable teacher I’ve ever seen. She is just Legen-wait for it-Dary! Ms. Dhanada became one of us, she played with us and participated in every activity that we did.

The entire programme was full of fun-filled activities. The activities were fantastic. For example, Ad Mad Show where you had to pick an ad and make it mad, Dumb Charades with English phrases like “A Neon dustbin having rumors” (I guessed it, thanks for asking), Song Translation (Hindi to English) and the Best out of Waste which saw us turn into Swatch Bharath volunteers, collect waste and make fabulous objects out of it which were later displayed at Block E.

I must specially mention the last activity we did, “The Tallest Tower and the Longest Bridge” where we made structures out of only paper and tape with a little help from glue. These were put on display too! (Yes, the somewhat awkward paper structures you all saw at Block E last weekend.)

All the activities teach you in volumes about teamwork, something you will definitely not learn in classrooms. You’ll find faces you’ve never seen before and talk to people you’ve never known. You realize that all you need is a smile to break the ice. So smiling at strangers isn’t weird anymore. You laugh (really hard) and frown. But you learn a lot in the process. For instance, People aren’t always easy to work with (my teammates were great though). It's so much fun to be a part of and you take stock of all the memories, so years from now you can look back on it. It reminded me that KMIT is a place full of highly talented folks!



The programme also brought about a positive change in the students. My extremely shy friend is now confident and can strike up a conversation with a stranger. There are many such stories where people who fumbled on the first day, spoke without a pause on the last day!

Of course, all of this wouldn’t have been possible without the trainers, Sudheer Reddy Sir and Zensar. So I would like to thank all of you for giving us the most exciting 6 days of our college life!

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2 March 2016


Esha Kandikatti

Esha Kandikatti


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