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The Team

The Team


Articles by The Team

The journey of a thousand words

As another chapter of our lives comes to an end, it’s time to look back on the amazing journey we took as students of 2023 and enjoy it. Among all of our...

 Wednesday, December 18, 20240 Comments
Editorial: "Blink of an Eye"

It's almost the end of this year and the time to let the beginning of winter warm our hearts. Speaking of endings, here we are drafting the editorial of our far

 Thursday, November 18, 20210 Comments
The Physics of Invisibility

Many a time, when you are sailing in your fantasy world, you might have dreamt of being invisible and you surely did it if you are a Potterhead. The invisibilit

 Monday, August 5, 20190 Comments
A Different Outlook

All tyros have a thirst for success. But, many do not realize that success is not a drooping fruit. The story that was taught to us in kindergarten: “A thirsty

 Monday, August 5, 20190 Comments
Editorial- August 2018

“Think. Integrate. Evolve.” is our motto, here at kMITRA. Breaking out of the established patterns, with creativity as our tool, we present, a very special edit

 Monday, August 6, 20180 Comments
Editorial - July 2018

With autumn entering in; July, the month of transitions, pauses at the end of summer. The crunchy leaves have turned to mush, potholes filled with rainwater, an

 Monday, July 2, 20180 Comments
Editorial - '17-'18 Academic Year End

Another academic year has gone by and the end semester exams are almost upon us. For some of us, these exams will be last ones we'll be writing in our college l

 Thursday, April 5, 20180 Comments
Celebrations in the air and celebrations everywhere!!

Time does fly by. KMIT is 10 years old already! Soon, it’ll be its 20th birthday we’ll celebrate and next the 30th and on and on it goes. No matter how many dec

 Friday, November 3, 20170 Comments