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Saketh Ram Josyabhatla

Saketh Ram Josyabhatla


What I can’t express through music, I express through words.

Articles by Saketh Ram Josyabhatla


Diversity is the spice of life that adds chaos to our perspectives, pushing us to explore the unknown and find beauty in the unexpected. Diversity brings about

 Wednesday, April 12, 20230 Comments
Let these pages feel your breath

Time may rip up pages from your diary While the fading ink struggles to be seen But the phrases of kindness, scribbled or scribed Will wait for long be

 Friday, March 18, 20220 Comments
For My Teacher

I was astray and in darkness, wandering around When you unshackled the beam of light within me You were a prism that deflected me into a new realm Brou

 Sunday, November 14, 20210 Comments
Immortal Sculptors

Zestful cross-rhythms of symphonious bells. Undamped reverberations of vedic hymns. Unmistakable aromas of holy incenses. Unfathomable chants of pious devotees.

 Saturday, July 31, 20210 Comments
Modern “Art” (?)

Do you want quick and easy money? I’ll tell you a great way to get big bucks. Things you’ll need: A banana Duct tape Steps to follow: Search

 Sunday, January 24, 20210 Comments

What’s wrong with the title? Has there been a mistake or has the writer gone crazy? Would you believe me if I tell you that nothing is wrong at all? Here’s t

 Saturday, September 12, 20200 Comments
I, Human

  Susan Calvin and Peter Bogert were at the table debating the deployment of DZ-27 robots. Their receptors could be used to track the synapses of the po

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments
Revisiting the Classics of Indian Television – Ramayan and Mahabharat

Now, before you prepare yourself to yawn and look down upon this article as an obsolete one, let me remind you that one of these shows has surpassed Game of Thr

 Sunday, June 7, 20200 Comments
If only for once, I could be God

Look at that elegant albatross, Spanning its wings wide and bright, Embellishing the creation's might, Squeaking aloud as it soars across.  

 Friday, March 13, 20200 Comments