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Sweeya Gadam

Sweeya Gadam


One would probably mess up my name the first time. Tv shows, music, memes and friends are my survival kit. Would never say no to a plate of fries. I’d immediately befriend you if you said you had a dog.

Articles by Sweeya Gadam

To A New Start

Every December, as the year comes to an end, we get our party hats on and welcome the next year with warmth, suspicion, or just an excuse “to make things right”

 Wednesday, February 10, 20210 Comments
The Girl from Iztacalco

The palette sat on the table, its many children crawling to play with each other. I dip my brush into the palette, squidge it into the deepest shade of blue unt

 Saturday, September 12, 20200 Comments
Why We Read

As kids, we dreamt of a magical land away from home filled with candies and games and sweets and all things wonderful. We wished for a portal in our midst so as

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments

The porch light blinked feebly, an indication of presence inside the house. Other than the lights in the house, nothing about the house bore the sign of life. T

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments
Good in the time of Corona

For people who wanted a fresh start in life, 2020 seemed like a perfect beginning. Not only was it a new year but it was also a new decade. And this invited a l

 Sunday, June 7, 20200 Comments
How Far Would You Run?

“RYAN! RYAN!” “Yeahh..” came a faint response from upstairs. “If you aren’t down here in the next five minutes, you might as well change into your pyjamas

 Friday, March 13, 20200 Comments
Body Positivity

“If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how very different our ideals of beauty would be.” ~ Anonymous   “I wish I had a body like her….” “I

 Thursday, January 16, 20200 Comments
Area 51

If you’re someone who is well into reading the news or is active on social media, you definitely might have heard about Area 51 recently. Area 51 took over the

 Thursday, October 17, 20190 Comments
A Sacrifice Of Innocence

“TRING! TR-!” he put his hand down on the alarm and switched it off at the first ring. He started rubbing his eyes and slowly opened them. Tiny particles of dus

 Tuesday, September 17, 20190 Comments
Magic with a 'K'

Growing up in a world where books like Harry Potter and The Wizard of Oz are written and read by people, we really wish magic exists. There are kids out there s

 Monday, August 5, 20190 Comments
Optimistic Nihilism

Man, as we know and see today, has evolved gradually over a few million years. We underwent a series of slow changes that made it possible for us to evolve from

 Wednesday, April 10, 20190 Comments