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Taahir Khan

Taahir Khan


Oh Hi Mark

Articles by Taahir Khan

Editorial - AI Edition

kMITRA : Hey, our new edition is going to be the AI Edition, so could you please generate a gist of articles covering various topics and subtopics of AI...

 Wednesday, December 18, 20240 Comments
The Magical Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna. A man whose legacy lives on to this day. Most modern-day drivers look up to him. He has won 41 Grand Prix in 162 races, has been on the podium 80

 Thursday, June 23, 20220 Comments
The Rise Of Sneaker Culture

While the on-court action is the heart of the game, the 'sole' belongs to the sneaker culture that has been a part of the sport's fabric since 1917, when Conver

 Thursday, March 31, 20220 Comments
Making Sense Of Cryptocurrency

On 24th March 2020 at 8 PM, TV screens across India flickered in unison as the Indian government announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown as a preventive measure

 Saturday, July 31, 20210 Comments
MSN- The Greatest Trio in History

I remember the night I stayed up till 3 AM to watch the 2nd leg of Barcelona Vs PSG knowing fully well that Barça had conceded four goals and couldn't score a s

 Wednesday, February 10, 20210 Comments
The Nature of Good and Bad

Since the primitive days of human existence, we have come quite far as a civilization. While this advancement can be attributed to numerous factors, the ability

 Saturday, September 12, 20200 Comments
The Gift Of Adversity

Adversity, hardship, and sadness. All these words have a lot of stigmas attached to them. Understandably so. After all, the bitter moments of our lives are the

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments
The Facade of Productivity and Self help

The pandemic season is upon us. At the time of writing this, we're all isolated from each other to protect ourselves and others more vulnerable than us. A by-pr

 Sunday, May 24, 20200 Comments
The Illusion Of Free Will

As humans, it's natural to believe that we are in control of the actions we take. After all, conscious control over our actions is what makes us humans and not

 Friday, March 13, 20200 Comments