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History of memes

Bal Mukundass was fundamentally flawed in more ways than one, he knew it, his parents knew it, his ex-girlfriend Sophie knew it, and even the cosmos knew it. Th

 Wednesday, April 12, 20230 Comments
Top 10 conversation starters

Everybody craves deep and meaningful social interactions. May it be with the girl you like or if you're just trying to hit it off with a classmate or colleague.

 Wednesday, April 12, 20230 Comments
What if humans evolved from Sloths?

I am not the kind of a person who would enjoy the occasional conversation of hypotheticals, like, how the world would be monumentally better off without reptile

 Wednesday, April 12, 20230 Comments
Now what?

Reporting live from the battleground of the conscience, a war between "Ugh, grow up!" and "Never let your inner child die," between one's moral ideals and socie

 Wednesday, April 12, 20230 Comments
Elon and his MUSKeteers

Ladies and gentlemen, please take a seat! Tonight we are talking about someone who needs no introduction. Whether you know him as a wildly successful serial ent

 Wednesday, April 12, 20230 Comments
Decoding the grand design of the Universe

Have you ever wondered why anything exists? When we think about what created life, planets, galaxies, or the entire Universe; or who is the ultimate creator of

 Wednesday, April 12, 20230 Comments
Thus, spoke Zoomer

“I slayed my tests, no cap. A huge W for me!” Imagine a linguistics scholar a few hundred years from now trying to figure out how a cap correlates to vanquishin

 Wednesday, April 12, 20230 Comments
Kerala: The Twilight State

Light and darkness are used to represent various concepts such as good and evil, hope and despair, or knowledge and ignorance. In this article, we explore how t

 Wednesday, February 22, 20230 Comments

Each person does see the world in a different way. There is not a single, unifying, objective truth. We're all limited by our perspective. - Siri Hustvedt Per

 Monday, December 26, 20220 Comments