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BTW Baba

BTW Baba
1) Do you think our college should have an open gate system and leave the fate of the students to themselves ? - By Anonymous

A: In my view, prisons are the only places that should have gates. Colleges are just supposed to be a medium that provide opportunities for students to learn on their own. However, taking security issues into consideration, I think it’s right on our college’s part to prefer a closed gate system.

2) Baba , can you please explain the procedure for challenge valuation in JNTUH ?
-By Anonymous

A: Procedure to apply for Challenge Valuation (Official Notification Included).
Detailed Notification :

The students who intend to apply for Challenge Valuation should submit their applications (Through the principal) within 15 days from the date of declaration of Recounting/Revaluation results by paying Rs.10,000 (Rupees Ten Thousand only) per subject, in the form of Demand Draft, Drawn in Favor of The Registrar, JNTUH.

1) On receipt of the DD, the photocopy of the answer booklet shall be given to the student.

2)Date will be notified to the student for CV.Then, the students need to go to JNTUH and attend the CV, where the paper will be evaluated in the student’s presence.

3) The paper will be evaluated in the presence of the students by the senior faculty appointed by the examination branch of the University.

4) If there is any change in marks (Equal or above 15% of the maximum marks), the new marks will be awarded to the student. Otherwise, there will be no change in old marks.

 5) If the change in marks (Equal or above 15% of the maximum marks) occurs, an amount of Rs.9,000/- will be refunded to the student. Otherwise, the student will forfeit the total amount which he/she paid.

 6)No Challenge Valuation for Lab Marks.

1) Example : For B.Tech Student :: 15% of maximum of marks (75 Marks for External Exam) means , there should be an increase of 11.25 = 11 marks after CV, only then JNTUH will add marks & will refund the amount of Rs.9,000/-

If a B.Tech student secures 22 marks in external exam & if he applies for CV after RC/RV results are released then after CRV he/she should secure 33 Marks (22+11) so that student can get back the amount of Rs.9,000/- & new marks will be updated. 

2) Notification will be sent to colleges soon.

3) Students can apply for CV only within 15 days from the date of declaration of Recounting/revaluation results.

Official Notification (This is an official Notification from JNTUH)


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Published on:

29 November 2014


Way Ch

Way Ch


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