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Way Ch

Way Ch


Articles by Way Ch

The Mad Race That They Call Life

Hey, this is Way and I hope all those reading this article are doing good. It's been almost a year or so since I've written my last article for the college mag

 Friday, April 1, 20160 Comments
Importance of Media in Society

Throughout the modern history, revolutions have been mainly achieved by popular uprisings. These uprisings have been lead by two active parts of society - media

 Thursday, October 1, 20150 Comments
Top Fads Among Youth These Days

1. Using the word 'chutzpah’  like it’s legit 2. Claiming themselves to be avid book readers, even though they have only read books by authors such as Ch

 Thursday, February 5, 20150 Comments
BTW Baba

I'm a person who can work only under stress. Before exams I procrastinate, one day before the exam I panic and don't study. I look back and regret. How do I sta

 Thursday, February 5, 20150 Comments
BTW Baba

Q)  Already, 1st mid exams are over and my performance is below expectation. Keeping in view 2nd & 3rd mids and final exams, any extra classes are there for

 Wednesday, December 31, 20140 Comments
BTW Baba

1) Do you think our college should have an open gate system and leave the fate of the students to themselves ? - By Anonymous A: In my view, prisons are the

 Saturday, November 29, 20140 Comments
Are we eating food ?

Food as we know it ( and by definition ) is something we consume to fill the nutritional requirements that our body has. But, food has evolved from just

 Saturday, November 29, 20140 Comments