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On the 16th of August this year, KMIT witnessed what was probably one of its kind in its history so far. Our college has always been known for the evergreen aura that it provides to all of us, giving us the right environment to grow in ourselves and with the rest. So, it came as no surprise when KMIT hosted its first ever talk-session, Vichar.

(Mansi and Anmol  - hosts for the event from Team Nexus)

Being a tad bit similar to the well-known Ted-Talks, this event was all about us expressing ourselves, and learning to understand the others’ expressions too.

Being a competition, it had the adrenaline kick that many of us need to overcome the strong reigns of inhibitions that hold us back. It came as no wonder that we learnt of things like Zombie-Ants through it. I mean, who would’ve thought of those? Vichar also served to bring out many underrated and underestimated topics of today that need more thought and processing, like the one presented by Mr.Mohak, about sexual harassment of men. In a time where feminism can very easily get misunderstood and abused as a weapon, this was a fresh reminder of the morales of true humanity getting disturbed.

(Mohak Aurangabadkar -  4th year CSE)

Then came Ms.Sushma, with her talk drawing inspiration from the book, ‘The Secret’, reminding us all of why books have always been our best friends.

(Sushma - 3rd year EIE)

And where life, nowadays, is almost always interpreted to begin from smartphones and end at virtual realities through fancy glasses, Mr.Manohar brought to light a distinguished and realistic meaning of life.

(Manohar 3rd year CSE)

There were 11 participants, 11 of their brains, 2 amazing judges to guide us through any troubles and many more people, their hard-work and their ‘vichar’ behind Vichar being as exciting as it was. And we are thankful to each and every one of them for it.

(Sirisha Ma’am and Sharadha Ma’am – Judges for the event )

(Team Nexus)

This is me congratulating everyone for its success, and hoping we do even better with our upcoming events.

Stay tuned.


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Published on:

4 September 2017


Anmol Jain

Anmol Jain


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