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Anmol Jain

Anmol Jain


Articles by Anmol Jain

We Turn 4!

A baby was born in October 2014. With love and care, the baby was nurtured. With thoughts and ideas, the baby evolved. The baby has now turned 4 so let's get th

 Monday, October 8, 20180 Comments
Editorial- September 2018

To address the elephant in the room, one needs to first know what the elephant looks like. And the elephant in this edition, is Masculism. Masculism refers to t

 Thursday, September 13, 20180 Comments
The Trip to Nowhere

We all want to go somewhere every Summer. This summer, I, went Nowhere, where no one ever wants to go. Although people might claim that they have found themselv

 Sunday, July 1, 20180 Comments
Women's Day Exclusive

Behind every one of their kind eyes is a story of family, careers, struggles and, most importantly, sacrifice. Leading up to Women's Day, we talk to some of the

 Friday, March 2, 20180 Comments
How to: Misery

Happy! Not everyone wants to be happy. Some people like to be the saddest sado sailing on the sea of sadness. Now,if you relate to the latter, save this article

 Thursday, February 1, 20180 Comments
2017 in review!

We Made it Through! phew! by Anmol Jain 2017, the year that blew up like a fat kid hogging up on pastries. The year when most of us danced to songs we did n

 Wednesday, January 3, 20180 Comments
To Death, With Love

We all have that one friend who is never invited but shows up anyway, that one friend we pretend to be okay with because everyone also is. Death, my friend, is

 Friday, November 3, 20170 Comments
NEXUS - JCI’s​ ​Mr.&Ms.​ ​Public​ ​Speaker

“Trrrrrrrrrrr! Rang the bell and my heart skipped a beat!” said one of the participants. 3 out of every 4 humans are Glossophobic - Scared of speaking their

 Wednesday, October 4, 20170 Comments

On the 16th of August this year, KMIT witnessed what was probably one of its kind in its history so far. Our college has always been known for the evergreen aur

 Monday, September 4, 20170 Comments