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The Quarantine Edition

The Quarantine Edition
It's hard to believe that 2020 is halfway done when the past six months have encompassed what feels like an eternity of global events with several words being added to our daily vocabulary. Terms such as “fatality rate”, “isolation”, “quarantine”, etc are not just used by scientists and doctors anymore.

Unlike the chrome-coated future of flying cars that most of the science fiction writers in the 1900s envisioned, we have a pandemic, memes about a Third World War, the highest unemployment rates across the world, a White House blackout amid a race war and the list goes on.

As the world comes to grips with the “new normal”, all of us went from “2020 is going to be my year!” to “Can this year end already?” 

This year has questioned our existence not only as individuals but as a species. Here’s a Timeline of the Pandemic from where it all began by Shreya D and Kruthi.


Now that we’re stuck at home all day long, we can’t complain about not finding time to do things now, can we? If you’re feeling guilty for not being productive enough during the quarantine then Winning The Productivity Race In Quarantine by Sravya is for you. Taahir’s The Facade of Productivity and Self help gives you an insight into what he has learned from the Self-Help industry.

Ever wondered what a day in your life could’ve been like if only you were disciplined and productive? Read Meghana’s The Pro in Productivity (and Procrastination) to find out.


Speaking of being productive, have a look at Raghuram’s A Dull and Colorful Expression for some tips that might help you start off a possible career as an author in this quarantine and Shreya N’s (Not) A Comprehensive Guide on How to Cook for a recipe that might work for you.


When time seems to move at a snail's pace, you tend to observe everything around you in detail. Abhay paints a picturesque view from his window in your mind through his article, Stories From My Window


Azhhar’s Quarantine and Family and Vaishnavi’s Physically Distant, but Socially Inseparable talks about their experiences with family and friends during the quarantine. We wanted to know how the lockdown has been treating everyone. Hence, we, at kMITRA came up with Readers Write where our readers could participate and let us know their experiences.


Cities are silent, factories are closed, streets are empty and the skies are clear. This has to be good for the environment right? Sreelaya’s poem A Tree's Quarantine gives us an outlook on the lockdown from a tree’s perspective. Read all about the struggle of a JEE aspirant amid the pandemic through the poem, A Teen's Experiments with Truth , JEE and the Virus by Shubham.


Needless to say that the pandemic has caused a lot of disturbance in our lives; both physical and mental. Prajwal's article, Can Isolation Kill You? talks about the adverse effects of Isolation on the human mind. If you find yourself constantly at war with your thoughts, Radhika's article, Finding yourself- Quarantine edition is the perfect guide you will need to recenter and get back in touch with your inner-self. 


There's a lot happening this year, and one must always stay informed. Pratish's article, College, COVID and Competition talks about the changes made in the Education System in order to cater to the needs of today's society. Saranya's article, The Deserted Mainstay gives you a different outlook on the problems that the less-fortunate have had to face amidst this lockdown. Shivani's article, The Price of the Pandemic talks about how the economy has been affected during this pandemic. 


If you're feeling too overwhelmed by all the information you've just received, Sweeya's article, Good in the time of Corona, reminds you that there's always a positive side to everything. In regards to that, Shreya G's article, Innovation at its peaks talks about the important innovations during this time.


During tough times like these, it's important that we realize our privileges and be grateful for the ones who are willing to risk their lives for us. Krishna Chaitanya's article, A Tribute To Every Hero is a reminder to all of us that gratitude is indeed the greatest of all virtues. Meanwhile, Sweta's article, Resilience with Responsibility talks about how one can stay healthy by being cautious about the disease and also have a sense of responsibility towards society. 


Just when you thought that the articles were getting informative again, here are a few intriguing short stories like Meghna's The Unbreakable Bond, Nita's Glimpse of my Clairvoyance, Mahima's Reminiscence - The Diary, Suraj's A Better Future Written in Blood and Somana's Quarantine Through Different Eyes that will definitely keep you engrossed, all while staying relevant to the present situation. 


In the age of Digital Data where a lot of information can be fake or untrue, it is important that we remember to distinguish between opinions, rumors, facts, and theories. Kshetra's article, COVID 19: A Conspiracy? is an interesting take on the conspiracy theories revolving around the spread of the disease. 


And finally, if you just want to spend this Quarantine, staying home and binge-watching your favorite shows, we have a few reviews that might help you. Bhoomi's, Quarantine Binge Fest reviews 3 very famous Hindi thriller web-series. Syed's article Must Watch Documentaries and Podcasts in Quarantine reviews some famous English Documentary Series that will help you stay informed and productive. Saketh's article, Revisiting the Classics of Indian Television – Ramayan and Mahabharat is a review on some classic mythological shows that will help you gain knowledge about Hindu mythology all while being thoroughly entertaining. 


And with that, we come to an end for this edition. We hope you find something that interests you and keeps you occupied in these times of uncertainty and change.


Always remember that we are in this battle together and as mankind has always done, we shall overcome this too. We hope our words will be a testament to these unprecedented times. And when we look back at them afterward, we shall be grateful for what we have achieved and be proud of how we held on during these times. 


Until next time, Stay Safe, Stay Strong and Happy Reading :)

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Published on:

7 June 2020


Shivani Bhatnagar

Shivani Bhatnagar


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Sadwi Kandula

Sadwi Kandula


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