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Shivani Bhatnagar

Shivani Bhatnagar


Just your typical engineering student with high curiousity levels. Reads quite a lot. Writes a bit here and there. Passionate about Feminism and dogs.

Articles by Shivani Bhatnagar

Four Paws and a Heart

Love is unconditional. It's received and given in many forms, but it's said that the truest of love is when it's without any limitations. A love for caring abou

 Saturday, September 12, 20200 Comments
A Forever Home

The below article identifies as Horror. Reader Discretion is advised.   Tick Tock. Tick Tock.    As the clock struck three, darkness shado

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments
The Quarantine Edition

It's hard to believe that 2020 is halfway done when the past six months have encompassed what feels like an eternity of global events with several words being a

 Sunday, June 7, 20200 Comments
The Price of the Pandemic

“Global shares take a hit - Big shift in stock markets, where shares in companies are bought and sold, can affect the value of pensions or individual savings ac

 Sunday, June 7, 20200 Comments
LGBTQ+ community: A Journey through the Decade

The year is 2010:  The beginning of a new decade and a fresh start. While most of us were enjoying the age of innocence, we were most certainly unaware of th

 Thursday, January 16, 20200 Comments
Time flies when we're having fun

  It’s my 5th birthday! The journey in these five years has been incredible. I was initially named Vipassana, later became kMITRA. I made a lot of frien

 Thursday, October 17, 20190 Comments
Time and Her

Friday, January 9, 1970 Dear diary, Today was a great day which filled my heart with excitement and happiness. I turn 7 years old today, and all I wanted

 Monday, August 5, 20190 Comments
The Lost Stars

Another year gone by. As we welcome a new beginning in 2019, we also recall all of the bittersweet memories of this last year. Letting go of the previous year’s

 Wednesday, January 9, 20190 Comments
9 Days, 9 Lessons

India is a country dominated by religions with Gods seen as the only Higher Power. Throughout the ages, people in India have continued to idolize the source of

 Monday, October 8, 20180 Comments
A Dinner to Remember

“Don’t forget to eat your food sweetie!” “Oh, How could I? Since you nag me about it all the time”, she replied with an irritated tone. Jennifer. A young, 16

 Monday, August 6, 20180 Comments
Gunshots for Education or Tantrums over Misery?

It’s that time of the year when the bright days of summer begin to wind down which take an unfortunate toll on the younger generations as most of us struggle to

 Sunday, July 1, 20180 Comments
Children Of God: The Sins Of Divinity

Love. Love is an abstract, a strong feeling of affection, an infatuation and a sense of passion that can be felt towards anyone in any way. There is also a dark

 Thursday, April 5, 20180 Comments
'Get Out'- A Social Thriller

One of those rare movies released with an intention to stir things up in the mainstream Hollywood cinema― Get Out. Directed by Jordan Peele, the movie Get Ou

 Friday, March 2, 20180 Comments
The Other Me

As I look out of the window, I see the morning sky grey with rain. The gusts of winds are knocking at my door. Being cold for such a long time isn’t a very good

 Thursday, February 1, 20180 Comments
Opinions On A Leash?

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts”- Daniel Patrick.  Is everyone entitled to their own opinion? Many a time, when som

 Friday, November 3, 20170 Comments