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Search Results for category: Interviews

Tuning In

“You are listening to All India Radio Hyderabad-B, broadcasting on 1377 kHz corresponding to 217.8 meters medium wave. This is Mahathi Sharma wishing you a very

 Monday, October 8, 20180 Comments
kMITRA 4ever

It was the year of 2014, when ideas bloomed and were nurtured, our beloved fostrer child’s journey had just begun. Who knew, our little guy would grow so fast?

 Monday, October 8, 20180 Comments
KMIT Faculty Excursion

More often than not, we underestimate the efforts that our lecturers put into teaching and managing us. And just like us, they too deserve a day off from their

 Monday, August 6, 20180 Comments
Hackadrone 2018 – KMIT’s Incontrovertible Victory

Hackadrone 2018 – India’s first UAV Hackathon – which took place from February 5-9 received close to 4500 registrations and a total of 617 proposals. Seven team

 Friday, March 2, 20180 Comments
Women's Day Exclusive

Behind every one of their kind eyes is a story of family, careers, struggles and, most importantly, sacrifice. Leading up to Women's Day, we talk to some of the

 Friday, March 2, 20180 Comments
Old friends take new roads

Isn't it strange, How fast time flies and how people change? Looking at the present everything feels the same, but looking at the past everything feels so

 Sunday, April 2, 20170 Comments
Interview with Venture Capitalist Krishna Kolluri

It takes a certain knack, brilliance and keen observation to be able to understand which companies would prosper and which would perish given proper funding and

 Wednesday, March 2, 20160 Comments
Finishing School, Beginning Life

Final year, the most important year to an Engineering student, to any UG for that matter. It's not just about 'graduating this year', it's more than that. It in

 Saturday, April 4, 20150 Comments
Interview with Aneesh Jajodia

Although the meaning of 'being awesome' is different for different people, everyone wants to be the awesome guy. Everyone wants to do something more than the ro

 Wednesday, March 4, 20150 Comments