Search Results for category: Miscellaneous
We Made it Through! phew! by Anmol Jain 2017, the year that blew up like a fat kid hogging up on pastries. The year when most of us danced to songs we did n
A sharp ray of warm sunlight cuts through the darkness, ending the dominion of long, cold, wintery nights. Somewhere in between cool breezes and the rising sun,
Sometimes, in finding what makes us happy, we forget to explore new things. Lately, social media has become a shell and only a few manage to break out of it. We
A one word solution to almost any possible question, if you think Google is merely what you see on your home screen, then think again. It's more than just a com
Earlier this month, a brutal inhumane act took place at Ryan International School, Gurugram. A bus conductor, Ashok, wanted to sexually assault the boy and
Social media is named aptly so because it's a tool to be social. Unfortunately, there are many amongst us who do the most insane things on Facebook and Twitter
What do you long for? What sort of a person are you? Are you one who likes to experience something adventurous in life or one who prefers monotony?
Do you know what LGBT means?It stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender. Many of our fellow Indians are quite unaware of this term and it is hardly shocking