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Apophenia /æpɵˈfiːniə/ is the experience of perceiving patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The need to seek patterns is wonderful, as it i

 Wednesday, March 4, 20150 Comments
Oscars 2015

The 87th Academy Awards Each January, the entertainment community and film fans around the world turn their attention to the Academy Awards. Interest and ant

 Wednesday, March 4, 20150 Comments
My BEC Experience

Have you ever wondered how taking an exam can seriously change the way you look at yourself? If you haven’t then think now! Probably that’s not something that w

 Wednesday, March 4, 20150 Comments
Lasting Impressions

A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.                                                                                 -Ma

 Wednesday, April 1, 20150 Comments
St. Petersburg Road

There it stands, with its chimneys pointing due heaven With the Russian flag amast. With its sailors looking upon those on the pier Uncertain of their future

 Wednesday, March 4, 20150 Comments
A story with Jeffery Archer

On the 5th of March, Nithya and I had the opportunity to be seated in the same hall as Jeffrey Archer “the master storyteller". He was on a  five-day tour to In

 Wednesday, April 1, 20150 Comments
10 things you didn’t know about KMIT

CO-AUTHORED BY : ADITI GHOTIKAR & NITHYA GUBBALA 1. Sardar Patel Auditorium is always abuzz with activities Every Saturday evening, a movie was screened i

 Wednesday, April 1, 20150 Comments
Short Film Festival

A short film festival in contrast to the regular film festivals, piles on the idea of the acronym "KISS" which stands for "keep it short and simple". Myth has i

 Wednesday, March 4, 20150 Comments

Following President Obama's visit to India, it is time to understand what this historic visit means, for India, for the U.S., and more importantly for the peopl

 Thursday, February 5, 20150 Comments