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Search Results for category: Miscellaneous

Slave of the Troy

The left side of my jaw was throbbing with pain and I could feel the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I was standing on the dais with bonded hands and dishe

 Saturday, August 8, 20200 Comments
A Note to the Alive

As I take a stroll in the graveyard observing my funeral, I find a few crying and the other meticulously bored by the doings. Yet it feels so light, death actua

 Saturday, September 12, 20200 Comments
Are You Living In An Imaginary World?

[Trigger Warning] The following article discusses mental health and excessive daydreaming, a psychiatric condition. Reader discretion is advised. We’re all d

 Thursday, August 6, 20200 Comments
The Price of the Pandemic

“Global shares take a hit - Big shift in stock markets, where shares in companies are bought and sold, can affect the value of pensions or individual savings ac

 Sunday, June 7, 20200 Comments
What Makes A Survivor

Stories are written by the survivors. But what did they do to survive? How did they survive? And what stories do they have to offer? Now to understand a surviv

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments
Why We Read

As kids, we dreamt of a magical land away from home filled with candies and games and sweets and all things wonderful. We wished for a portal in our midst so as

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments
A Head Full Of Dreams

In a world of change, the only thing constant is the effort to make a difference. While we all desire to be our finest selves, the path to being better is a roc

 Saturday, September 12, 20200 Comments
A Tribute To Every Hero

The numbers from the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic- one of the deadliest pandemics in history- reveal that the disease caused more than 17 million deaths. But most

 Sunday, June 7, 20200 Comments
Bidding Adieu!

I vividly remember the summer of 2016. After a period of what I would like to call a struggle, I managed to get over with two years in a cliche corporate colleg

 Friday, March 13, 20200 Comments