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Editor's Note

We turn three! Incidentally, we celebrate the biggest edition of kMITRA, with 28 articles and it also happens to be the 28th edition of the magazine! Before we

 Friday, November 3, 20170 Comments
Editor's note

Dear Readers, October’s that one friend we don’t spend as much time with but is always there to listen to whatever it is we have to say. Unlike the rest of

 Wednesday, October 4, 20170 Comments
Editor's note

Dear readers, With this edition, we bring you a diversified agglomeration of articles by our writers which will make you  ponder, sigh, learned, excited and

 Wednesday, August 2, 20170 Comments
Editor's Note

We have stepped into another month of 2017, the last month of the semester and the last month of college for all the seniors. I'm already feeling nostalgic, and

 Sunday, April 2, 20170 Comments
Editor's Note

Readers, July, a shift of the seasons towards the bluesy kind;  One best enjoyed at home, sipping on hot beverages - a joy compounded by the act of reading.

 Friday, June 30, 20170 Comments
Editor's Note

Hey guys! February has ended and the season is changing, I'm already feeling the summer heat. I finally get the feel that it's 2017. The past month has been ver

 Saturday, March 4, 20170 Comments
From the Editor's Desk

It's February ! A month has passed already and it feels like we're still stuck up in 2016. Probably, most of us are making the mistake of writing 2016 as the ye

 Sunday, February 5, 20170 Comments
Editor's Note

December is the month of introspection and looking back at the, shall we say, eventful year that was 2016. No person could have predicted the roller coaster tha

 Monday, January 2, 20170 Comments
Editor's Note

This edition we are going all 'Festive', as the festive season has begun with Dusshera, Bathukamma, Diwali and Christmas lined up. Everyone is already busy with

 Monday, October 3, 20160 Comments