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Search Results for category: Miscellaneous

How to Fight the Big Green Monster – and Win!

Okay let’s have a show of hands: how many of you have already experienced the delight that is the flu this month? The constant sneezing, the blocked nose, the c

 Monday, August 1, 20160 Comments
From Manasi, To Me..

Date: September 24, 2012 Dear Manasi, I started college today, finally! Whenever I walk around the corridor I get this posh feeling of "Hey, I'm a college

 Monday, March 28, 20160 Comments
ఒక కవిత..నాన్నకు  ప్రేమతో..

నాన్న - రెండు అక్షరాల పదం వంద కోట్లతో సమానమైన పరమార్ధం మీ మాటల్లో పొందాను మంచి మమకారం మీ వ్యక్తిత్వం తో నేర్చుకున్నాను సంస్కారం కొండంత బాధలు, బాధ్యతలు త

 Tuesday, March 1, 20160 Comments

The #OscarsSoWhite hashtag has been spreading rapidly on all corners of social media – as it should. The lack of nominations for people of color in the 20 nomin

 Wednesday, March 2, 20160 Comments
Brief overview of the European Refugee Crisis

The European refugee crisis started in the summer of 2015, when a rising number of refugees mainly from the conflict stricken areas in the Middle East made thei

 Saturday, April 2, 20160 Comments
Old generation vs Generation Z

  A status update on Facebook or a good morning picture on Instagram triggers the day of  people of today’s world. Be it a student or an employee, t

 Friday, July 1, 20160 Comments
Turtuk - The "Last village".

"Travelling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a Storyteller." - Ibn Battuta Turtuk is physically the closest one can get to Pakistan while in Indi

 Friday, July 1, 20160 Comments
Awake Or Asleep

Every day I think of something beautiful and deep, Before I go to sleep. It brings a smile, And gives me the strength to go another mile. What does a day ho

 Friday, July 1, 20160 Comments
Do Grades Really Matter in our Life?

Do grades really matter in our life? And what really is education? We often hear, elders saying we need to get really good grades to sustain a better future.

 Saturday, April 2, 20160 Comments