Search Results for category: Miscellaneous
I believe… That we don’t have to change friends, Change is inevitable if we understand that change is acceptable, I believe… That no matter how good
A baby is born. When it cries, Mother Nature makes sure that it is a guileless, sinless, sweet cry that has never been heard before. The baby is a bundle of inn
After Intermediate, during the time when all of us were free for a good three months and did not know what to do with ourselves, my mother suggested I should at
I never got hung up on apologizing too much. After all, I've always felt actions speak louder than words. As nice as it may be to hear those two special words
She was destined to be knowledgeable and wise. T’was kindled by her inquisitive fire as a girl. She grew and matured into an exemplary woman; One who c
Just a few more minutes and I will be ready to leave for my “night shift”. I’ve got foundation caking my face, some eye makeup to bring out the blue of my eyes,
Delhi and the Sun were the best of friends in the summer. The Sun would hang around all day, scorching everyone, staying until very late in the evening, and eve
After months of following a stringent schedule involving tedious assignments, brain racking projects and enervating examinations, I think one should have the ch