Search Results for category: All Things KMIT
Meeta: I adored the melodious voices and enthusiasm of dancers and singers on the KMIT evening. I was enthralled by the performance of my mates at the debate a
Time does fly by. KMIT is 10 years old already! Soon, it’ll be its 20th birthday we’ll celebrate and next the 30th and on and on it goes. No matter how many dec
On 13th October, KMIT celebrated its 10th anniversary with a day-long fest on our beautiful green campus. Even as it evolves, KMIT’s purpose remains the same: t
“Trrrrrrrrrrr! Rang the bell and my heart skipped a beat!” said one of the participants. 3 out of every 4 humans are Glossophobic - Scared of speaking their
The little one is ten years old already. Growing steadily every day, today, it stands tall and confident on its own legs, towering over most others, as everyone
On the 16th of August this year, KMIT witnessed what was probably one of its kind in its history so far. Our college has always been known for the evergreen aur
Isn't it strange, How fast time flies and how people change? Looking at the present everything feels the same, but looking at the past everything feels so