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Search Results for category: Editor's Note

Why We Read

As kids, we dreamt of a magical land away from home filled with candies and games and sweets and all things wonderful. We wished for a portal in our midst so as

 Monday, August 10, 20200 Comments
Editorial- March 2020

Hello dear readers, welcome to kMITRA's 45th edition. It's the month of March and this month has always been one of our most favourite months as kids. The last

 Friday, March 13, 20200 Comments
Lookin Back at the '10s

*Research and studies have shown us that time fly faster when we are learning something new. .As we take a step back and think, we notice that as we grow older

 Thursday, January 16, 20200 Comments
Time flies when we're having fun

  It’s my 5th birthday! The journey in these five years has been incredible. I was initially named Vipassana, later became kMITRA. I made a lot of frien

 Thursday, October 17, 20190 Comments
Magic of Motion Picture

It was in the year 1878 when Eadward Muybridge placed 24 cameras on a race track, a few inches apart from each other, and captured a series of photographs of a

 Tuesday, September 17, 20190 Comments
What's Inside?

Here is a glimpse of what this edition has in store for you, as we ponder over events representing various facets of our lives and the world we see, which make

 Friday, March 8, 20190 Comments
Editorial - April 2019

Hello, beautiful people! So this is it, the last edition that I get to work on.  This is the last time I will be writing for the college magazine that I have co

 Wednesday, April 10, 20190 Comments
From the Editors' desk

We, humans, are a beautiful mess. We are an entanglement of nerves and veins flowing along the river of emotions, often confused between the words of the heart

 Friday, March 8, 20190 Comments
Hello February!

Hello readers! As we settle into 2019, it's time to look back at all the broken resolutions and slowly come to terms with the fact that a whole month has alr

 Wednesday, February 6, 20190 Comments